[Praise] Apple Support

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Wise Old Owl
I submitted my iPhone 4 (purchased on 26-01-2014) due to malfunctioning of speakers. I was pleased by the professionalism shown by the service centre in dealing with my situation. They took the phone & informed me that it will take about a week. After just about a week I was informed that my phone has been repaired. I was pleased to know that my phone had been replaced with a brand new one at no cost. Impressed with the support . Respect for Apple gone up .


Sounds good-although i cannot help but wonder whether or not they would have shown the same level of courtesy or "professionalism" in their actions,had you submitted a device that was old and out of warranty for repairs.


Wise Old Owl
Sounds good-although i cannot help but wonder whether or not they would have shown the same level of courtesy or "professionalism" in their actions,had you submitted a device that was old and out of warranty for repairs.

If your product is out of warranty then how can Apple service it? Other companies don't give a sh!t even if you're product is within warranty.
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^lol,what he has suggested in that post seems really preposterous-"other" companies do replace or repair their products if a defect or glitch is discovered in them within the warranty period,they even repair a malfunctioning device after the warranty expires,albeit at a price that varies depending on the nature and the type of problem,its not just apple who provides this facility to their customers(unless of-course he's talking about lesser known/chinese or noname brands like micromax,lava,xiaomi,lephone,rokea etc in which case one's pretty much doomed the day he/she decides to buy any of their shoddily built products.)
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Wise Old Owl
Micromax submitted my device and it took them over a month to repair it. I am also talking about non-mobile companies which I'm currently facing like Exide batteries, TVS motors. Customer care at exide tells me they'll give onsite support while dealer says a come with your battery at service centre. My scooter is not even starting & how does he expect me to take out the battery from scooter when I don't have that expertise & come over 7 kms when I'm working 12hrs a day. TVS gives a sh!t service, they don't repair my bike, just do the normal procedures of servicing. Vodafone suddenly stopped my data service strangely. I was not able to use data for weeks while it was fully working in my neighbour's cell. They didnt give any explaination as to why it stopped working. Don't get me started on Tikona Broadband's service :mrgreen: . Service & support are crucial components for a company & anybody will be impressed by the service & support that Apple is offering.Being the most valuable company IN THE WORLD they can afford to do that. I have a LG TV which offered onsite warranty but the engg came half a dozen times since he was a stupid guy. The same I serviced by a third party & it has never malfunctioned since then. I had a Dell Inspiron 15R which kept getting malfunctioned repeatedly until I disposed it off. The engg told me that Dell is replacing your parts with refurbished items.

But I am amazed at the hatred shown by you people towards Apple even if that company does anything good. To sum up, I had a very good experience with Apple but my writing that 'other co dont give sh!t..' lightened up your asses :mrgreen: .I can't even think of purchasing products like OnePlus One, Pantech Burst, what happens if there's some shortcircuit in its motherboard? Where will you go? Where is its service centre?
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rated R
^+1 mate.
but, they were not so friendly when i tried to get my iPhone 5 repaired under warranty because of a small minor cosmetic dent. :(
They asked for a flat fee of 17500/- (excl. taxes)
I even took the matter up with Apple Executive Customer Relations but they were firm.
this is the only reason why I am not ready to splurge on a mac just yet.

Offtopic: hatred..:p
my idiot friends were arguing that Apple is sh!t because it uses lightning port. Damn, some people!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Before this thread changes into a fight thread let me tell you guys something : quality of after sales support depends on the mentality of people work there and of-course on the company itself. Someone facing issues with dell got his problem fixed only by sending an e-mail to the CEO. So it's the local and country wide SC guys who were responsible for this but the company was good enough to hear and listen what the customer has to say and solve the issue accordingly. Same is true with Seagate. Two guys creating most issues in Rashi kolkata is not there anymore, Thanks god ! But Asus is back to Rashi again with which may stir some old memories :D Before digicare were superslow at RMAing things as their only con but they were helpful enough unlike the people work at gigabyte SC. But on other states same company provides good support though it may not equally true. I've seen even micromax replacing a 15 days old phone which had some screen issue so not bad ! There's lots of things I can tell over RMA but at the end of the day the bold marked words still holds true.

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Anyway, don't use abusive words to each other as no one is on any company's payroll or doing politics ;) It's just we community members sharing our experiences and thoughts.


Alakh Niranjan
quality of after sales support depends on the mentality of people work there and of-course on the company itself.
but the company was good enough to hear and listen what the customer has to say and solve the issue accordingly.
But on other states same company provides good support though it may not equally true.

well said! my personal experience too at few occasions including many times help extended by local people including my hardware vendor (e.g. seagate 500gb replaced in less than 2 hours)


Before this thread changes into a fight thread let me tell you guys something : quality of after sales support depends on the mentality of people work there and of-course on the company itself. Someone facing issues with dell got his problem fixed only by sending an e-mail to the CEO. So it's the local and country wide SC guys who were responsible for this but the company was good enough to hear and listen what the customer has to say and solve the issue accordingly. Same is true with Seagate. Two guys creating most issues in Rashi kolkata is not there anymore, Thanks god ! But Asus is back to Rashi again with which may stir some old memories :D Before digicare were superslow at RMAing things as their only con but they were helpful enough unlike the people work at gigabyte SC. But on other states same company provides good support though it may not equally true. I've seen even micromax replacing a 15 days old phone which had some screen issue so not bad ! There's lots of things I can tell over RMA but at the end of the day the bold marked words still holds true.

- - - Updated - - -

Anyway, don't use abusive words to each other as no one is on any company's payroll or doing politics ;) It's just we community members sharing our experiences and thoughts.

in all of tdf history, i think you had the worst possible cases of warranty screw ups.. lol your threads were like horror stories come alive...but your experiences did teach me which brands to avoid and how to deal with rude employees at the service center


Apple's profit margins are so high and procuring ost is so low that they can afford to replace phones instead of repairing it.
Any company that uses slave labor to make products and sell that same product for astronomical prices can do the same.

Here's the kicker : you went for almost 1week without a phone, when they could just have replaced your phone there and then. Yes, this speaks "a lot" about Apple's "customer care".

Valid reason to hate them.

"OMG APPLE SO GUD, IM BARFING RAINBLOWS". They consider their OWN products so worthless that they are fine with replacing broken phones with brand new ones... this is the phone which people pay $$$ to buy.... lol.

I dont respect any company that doesnt respect their own products.


Wise Old Owl
Apple's profit margins are so high and procuring ost is so low that they can afford to replace phones instead of repairing it.
Any company that uses slave labor to make products and sell that same product for astronomical prices can do the same.

Here's the kicker : you went for almost 1week without a phone, when they could just have replaced your phone there and then. Yes, this speaks "a lot" about Apple's "customer care".

Valid reason to hate them.

"OMG APPLE SO GUD, IM BARFING RAINBLOWS". They consider their OWN products so worthless that they are fine with replacing broken phones with brand new ones... this is the phone which people pay $$$ to buy.... lol.

I dont respect any company that doesnt respect their own products.

What a worthless, illogical comment. All big companies replace their phones , Nokia used to do it in their days & they used to sell very expensive at those times like N95,N97, N8 , etc..but there was no "sheepism" word for them but for Apple , retards have created iSheep & want to add in the english dictionary. Apple isn't only selling expensive phones out there!!


What a worthless, illogical comment. All big companies replace their phones , Nokia used to do it in their days & they used to sell very expensive at those times like N95,N97, N8 , etc..but there was no "sheepism" word for them but for Apple , retards have created iSheep & want to add in the english dictionary. Apple isn't only selling expensive phones out there!!

hahaha. apple = sheep. if it feels bad, you're one of them.
atleast nokia phones gave some quality and new features.

apple = sell overpriced obsolete phones.


Have you used there products?
I say this with pride : NO.
I'm not a sheep, i have no use for worthless features like games or watching movies.

What are you gonna do with all that ram, and computing power? Run a PC? play angry birds? Oh wait, I forgot whom I was talking to, a generation who has it drilled into their heads to follow trends like rabbits. Sorry, I dont buy into all that bullshit.

My main usage is whatsapp for communication, checking mail and music. I have a home theatre, 2 PC's, laptop and a tablet to do other things. I only play one game at a time, and I've got absolutely zero interest in social media. Others in my family have smartphones of their own, and I dont see them utilizing them for anything more than a few basic tasks, like light internet usage, some officework, chatting, etc.

Sure, you may "want" those features, but what you "want" and what you "need" are wildly different things.

I need a "smartphone" as much as I need a hole in my head.


Wise Old Owl
I say this with pride : NO.
I'm not a sheep, i have no use for worthless features like games or watching movies.

What are you gonna do with all that ram, and computing power? Run a PC? play angry birds? Oh wait, I forgot whom I was talking to, a generation who has it drilled into their heads to follow trends like rabbits. Sorry, I dont buy into all that bullshit.

My main usage is whatsapp for communication, checking mail and music. I have a home theatre, 2 PC's, laptop and a tablet to do other things. I only play one game at a time, and I've got absolutely zero interest in social media. Others in my family have smartphones of their own, and I dont see them utilizing them for anything more than a few basic tasks, like light internet usage, some officework, chatting, etc.

Sure, you may "want" those features, but what you "want" and what you "need" are wildly different things.

I need a "smartphone" as much as I need a hole in my head.

Come on man dont be a kid. Whats pride got to do with you not knowing an iphone. The iphone in question is a 4 yr old model & market rate is below 20k. I believe paying 50k for a phone is stupidity
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Come on man dont be a kid. Whats pride got to do with you not knowing an iphone. The iphone in question is a 4 yr old model & market rate is below 20k. I believe paying 50k for a phone is stupidity

you're using a phone that sold for 40k when it came out, and it lacked quite a few features, as you "may" recall.
good thing apple doesnt improve their phones too much (lol), else the people who use the new ones may get lost among the "features".


Super Moderator
Staff member
This thread is an example of why you can't have a sensible discussion on an Indian forum.


Staff member
Mention state, city and service center address next time. Service varies from place to place.
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