Will this game run on this configuration?


Dota 2 High settings
BF3 - Low settings .. Dont think it can run at 1280x1024, try 1024x768
Darksiders 2 - Med High
Mass Effect 3 - Low med


Retired Forum Mod
How will the following work on HD 2500(i5 3470) @ 1280 x 1024
Mass effect 3
Darksiders 2
Dota 2

ME3: i think yes
Dota2: yes
BF3: no
Darksiders2: no idea.

Do you expect Watch Dog run to smoothly on i5 2nd gen, radeon 6490M, 4 GB RAM ? at-least and at-most 1366x768 res.
Crysis 3 ran okay but Sniper 2 was a bit lagging.

let the game get launched first. this is made on a brand new engine so will have to check how resource friendly it is. but my prediction is low at best.


very low.. might be unplayable
try 1024x768..
GT210 is basically a 8400 GS.. I used to have a 8400 GS and then i shifted to intel HD 2000 graphics..
On Intel graphics, Crysis 2 was ~25-30 at 1280x720 at low-med settings
so on your GT210, it should be even lower :(


Wise Old Owl
COD4: MW ran on my pc at lowest settings at a playable level. But GTA 4 doesn't run , the screen starts rotating ... should I give up on GTA4 with my 128 MB geforce 8400M GS?


Broken In
I have i3 2000 CPU, 2GB RAM, INTEL 67DH Mobo, Win 7 ultimate but without any gfx card?
I hv recently purchased Nitho racing wheel and DIRT3 game pack, but not able to start the game. Game installed correctly but once i fixed the xlive.dll error it is no more launching and not showing any error.
Should i go for a gfx card for the game to work??


Super Moderator
Staff member
the games should at-least start .. use CCleaner/Rgistry Mechanic ( Deep Scan ) and fix all the errors these softwares finds . having similar isue with Sleeping Dogs but fixed using fixing registry errors. BTW, make sure you have the latest version of DirectX installed.


Broken In
the games should at-least start .. use CCleaner/Rgistry Mechanic ( Deep Scan ) and fix all the errors these softwares finds . having similar isue with Sleeping Dogs but fixed using fixing registry errors. BTW, make sure you have the latest version of DirectX installed.

Thanks, I will try the solution suggested and let you know. I thing the Dirt 3 game pack installs Direct X 11.0 automatically...but how do you know which is the latest version of DX and whether it has been installed correctly. Thanks again.


Actually C2 is heavier than C1 at low settings.. C1 at ultra low settings will give higher FPS than C2 at gamer settings (or lowest possible)
But at high settings, it changes


Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks, I will try the solution suggested and let you know. I thing the Dirt 3 game pack installs Direct X 11.0 automatically...but how do you know which is the latest version of DX and whether it has been installed correctly. Thanks again.

The version of DirectX is mainly OS based but you just download and install this to have the lest DX version that most games support :
Download DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) from Official Microsoft Download Centre
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