First off, "apart from the obvious" stuff like the Mindware/Playware and By Demand foul-ups, it has some SERIOUS, way too serious UI issues. I seriously suggest a complete overhaul, not just a perfunctory code rerun and moving stuff into different places. Get a UI design expert to work this one out, preferably someone who knows HTML also coz the page takes forever to load (Check out jeba's posts before a "comprehensive" listing. Good one there, buddy) Not everyone has OFC connections to our ISPs

And the sidebar. God, whatever you do, please don't use such navigation again on the next website. Plain nightmare. Not to mention that the text sizes are next to unreadable without the magnifier utility at 1280x1024.

Did you guys know there are reviews for WinME and 2000 Pro in the Special section?

Someone would think (why think when you can state for a fact) that you never update the website. And please, for God's sake, DO NOT move older articles as Web Specials. That's just real lousy and unprofessional. I don't know how long those four articles have been sitting on the homepage. I guess from Sep'03. Coz the Digit Linux DVD was in Aug'03.
The best thing to do is to use the website as a "companion" to the mag, with web-exclusive content, instead of a "older article archive." I wouldn't mind seeing RSS feeds on the latest in computing. Imagine how cool it would be if you could immediately stream to the Digit people when HL2 goes gold, or something like that. That would be really cool too.
BTW, the forum needs somewhat of an overhaul too. Maybe you can post prizes (gag ones, real ones or simple ones like games, etc) for people with corniest, lousiest, most helpful, most funny, etc. posts. Nothing works like rewards for making more people come together on the forum and participate more.
So, get a UI expert, get someone who's done more than one personal website and at least one corporate one, gather the people on the forum (we DO want to help) and give the site a complete makeover.