
  1. R

    NEED some ideas

    i am a BCA 2nd year student and pursuing CCNP and i am passionate about networking. My plan is to complete CCNP and go for CCIE written by the end of this year. Is my decision correct and will it help me in getting jobs?
  2. windchimes

    What is wrong with Raj Thackery..??

    This guy needs some special treatment. Why no proper action is taken and some harsh punishments given to this guy..?? This is a Hitler in making. The court and jail drama will be over in a few days time and he is going to walk free. India is a country for all Indians and under no...
  3. A

    Jet takes back all sacked employees

    Just saw it on NDTV. Jet Airways chairman Naresh Goyal has announced in a press conference that he is taking an emotional decision and is taking back all employees who had been given the pink slip. He says that he was abroad and that he did not know anything about this decision and that it had...
  4. jal_desai

    MY LIFE AT STAKE !!! fingers crossed... clock's ticking...

    hello... this is the wierdest post i m ever writing.. to cut story short, i have a sweet little girlfriend and we have been in a relationship for around 1 yr. both of us have agreed to get married and we have even told this to our parents... but on her side they believe in a Guruji whom they...
  5. rosemolr

    Please help me....very urjent

    Please help me friends..i want to purchase all in one printer( laser jet printer..scanner..copier)..please tell me a good budget is around 8k..please tell me fast..i have only 15 hrs left to take a decision.. thanks in advance:)
  6. mayanks_098

    A breather for Indian Hockey, IHF dissolved

    Its finally curtains for Mr. KPS Gill and “his” Indian Hockey Federation. The long due judgment has been done and IHF has been suspended by Indian Olympic Association under its guidelines. Mr Suresh Kalmadi, head of IOA just announced the decision (that was taken unanimously) in a press...
  7. T

    MUST READ:India's Final Vote On MS Office File Standard Is 'NO'

    News has just come in that the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), has made a final decision on the document file format OXML (Open eXtended Markup Language). Sources tell that with 13 Against, 1 Abstain and 5 For, the technical committee entrusted with deciding whether Microsoft-backed...
  8. G

    Stage6 was Hacked-All online movie site affected

    Well....With the Shutdown of Stage6.....many sites hosting online movies went down.... I heard that Stage6 was hacked by some group...:shock: (* On logging in...the sites redirects to adult sites..... :o hmm....i'm though upset with the...
  9. axxo

    RapidShare will soon be shut down

    No safe harbor for RapidShare in copyright infringement case File-sharing service RapidShare has been dealt a blow by a German court and faces severe penalties if it fails to take appropriate measures against the uploading of copyrighted content by its users. The Düsseldorf Regional Court ruled...
  10. abhijit_reddevil

    Mike Procter only took the aussie word to ban Harbhajan

    WTF!!!:mad: * If a decision regarding something serious as a racism allegation is to be taken, then both parties should tell their versions. It seems Mike Procter :mad: only heard the australian players and not the side...
  11. anish_sha

    URGENT : Cost of IPOD

    Hi guys Can u pls tell me the price of ipod video 30gb and ipod nano 4gb(grey market),my cousin is coming from dubai next week, so i want to take decision where to buy it from, here or dubai....also tell me this is video a bit bulky???
  12. gary4gar

    Russian schools move to Linux

  13. A

    k550 versus w700

    Hi guyz.... M thinking over buying a mobile over a month now... M confused for Motorola L9, SE k550, SE W700.... Please tell me which to go for and why .... M gonna do it it final in two days... U hv helpd me in this decision of mine for a month nw... Please help again... My main area...
  14. gary4gar

    OFFICIAL words on Compiz + Beryl merge: It IS happening!

    Read more
  15. T

    Funcom drops 'offline' PC games

    Funcom, the developer behind the adventure game classics The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, have announced their decision to stop producing traditional, offline PC games. Funcom, who previously have mentioned MMOs and adventure games as their primary focus, blames...
  16. M

    Do You Agree With Sc Decision ?

    hi ppl sc has decided to hang corrupt officials . do u agree with decision ? or you have an alternate punishment?
  17. A

    is 3G gonna come?

    I am planning to but a new mobile phone. I have chosen SE k618i since it has 3G and my main need is data transfer. My decision was influenced by a news that by oct 2007 3 G is gonna arrive in Inida. But considering the fact that it is an gov. decision should I really strech my budget for a 3G...
  18. gary4gar

    Beckham quits as England captain

    Beckham quits as England captain David Beckham has decided to step down as England captain after holding the role for six years. But the...
  19. J

    assembled laptops ?

    hi can someone tell me is it a wise decision to opt for assembled laptops, i think it should be quite cheaper than the branded ones, can osmeone tell me is it a wise decision, are there any dealers which assemble laptops in delhi has someone done this before
  20. devaraj

    Oracle Stopped $115m donation to Harvard University

    Source: * Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison has reversed his decision to donate some $115m to Harvard University following the resignation of the school's president, Larry Summers, an Oracle spokesman said on Tuesday. The decision comes the same week Berkshire...
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