XP Installation problem

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Hello all,
My configuration is 60GB hdd , intel 845 inbuilt graphic and 256 MB ram. I frequently format and reinstall Operating systems.
Recently i tried to reinstall XP after formatting my HDD.But when i loaded the CD and started my PC , the computer boots from XP CD , runs till it detects the hardware screen and suddenly the screen goes blank.No error messages .I left it for almost half hour but Blank remains.Iam well xperienced with installing OS's but this Blank screen drives me crazy . But the same PC boots in Linux or even in 98 . Some body please explain the problem and any possible solutions.i ve tried with different cds from my friends , the problem is not with the cd but with the PC.Please explain?


try removing all ur hardware cept mouse n keyboard like printers, usb stuff, extra pci cards(tvtuner n all) , n then installing.

if it still dont work, reformat again if uve not alredy tried. defragment the disk also if u hav ne other OS installed.

if it still doesnt work, chek ur BIOS if all the settings r the usual and nothings changed.

also, did u try installin win98 and instead of reformatting, installing winxp OVER that?

harsh bajpai

Try changing the boot device to HDD on the BIOS and disable cd drive booting.
if nothing told by me or ishaan works then try changing your copy of windows XP with another copy. of course if only you are using a pirated copy..duh...
and if you are using an original copy of windowws XP contact the microsoft guys; that is what they are there for.. 8)


.i ve tried with different cds from my friends , the problem is not with the cd but with the PC.Please explain?

he already tried diff cds but wat u sed gave me dis idea :

copy the win xp cd into a folder on ur HDD. then disable ur cdrom from BIOS. then install from the HDD itself.

harsh bajpai

no no
if he is using a p*****d copy then he should try another one because that has happened to me before and using other copy worked fine for me.
and i'm sorry i missed the quoted part you mentioned. :x


oh ok then...worth a try

@sknowonweb - another thing - if u have more than 1 partition in ur HDD try installing in the other partition n c if it works



Thank U Guys(Ishaan and harsh bajpal),
Thank u guys. I solved the problem . Ofcourse i m using a pirated copy. But i borrowed a copy of windows from my friend and it works . I have formatted and installed it . Thanks for ur advise. But im wondering how both of my copies failed.

Any way iseek a new advise from u. My Mother board is intel 845 GBV and my cabinet has six USB ports 4 n back and 2 in front . From the date of purchase my front USBs dont work. When i opened the Cabinet to clean up the hardwares before installing windows i found a unused slot marked front USB and two set of detached ribbon kind of wires .each having four wires attached to it.one set begins with (1 +5v kind ofmark) and another set with 2 marks. But the slot has totally 9 pins (5 pins in top and 4pins parallel to it in next row).
Can u help me how to insert those pins in the slot.No additional info found in the motherboard sticker as well near the slots .Am i right that those pins are for USB port. and i also found my cabinet speakers connection detached and all my mother board beeps came from a little speaker attached to the motherboard.how to connect cabinet speakers to my mother board.

Thank you guys for your concern


you should post this in a new thread and remove it from here...

im not sure how 2 do that, check ur motherboard documentation on the net

just out of curiosity...if the prob wz dere since the date of purchase, why dint u get it fixed then only??



Thanks Ishaan,
I m moving it to a new post.
For ur curiosity,USB usage was rare when i bought my PC in a deep south town of INDIA by 2002.and when i moved to these metros , i am more often using USB pen drives and HDs which made me take care about these Front ports.
any how thanx for ur advise.
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