wrong cpu speed detection in FC6 with cpuspeed daemon

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Wire muncher!
the problem:
i haf a mobile pentium4 2.8ghz chip in my laptop which actually is a desktop p4 chip and supports the speedstep technology (NOT enhanced ss - multilevel but the p4 ss with 2 levels - 1.6ghz and 2.8ghz). fc6 kernel is 2.6.18-1.2798 (machine - i686, hardware platform - i386) tho the speed is correctly detected at 2799mhz at startup (i can see this wid dmesg | grep MHz), after booting the proc either runs at 668mhz or 692mhz.

solutions tried:
edited the /etc/cpuspeed.conf, enabled the DRIVER=p4-clockmod, upgraded to latest version of cpuspeed for fc6 i386.

it doesn't help, if i manually "cd" into /sys/devices/......./cpufreq the speed changes to 1.6ghz for a fraction of a second and reverts back to 668mhz. in this directory i can see the available scaling freq as 668000 and 692000.

fix required:
i want the speedstep to correctly work at 1.5g and 2.8g on load. kubuntu used to work perfectly! any help is much appreciated!
edit: i tried cpudyn. the result is same (692mhz). i also tried cpufreqd. but it fails to start up as a daemon. should this be used in conjunction with something?
currently i've disabled all the cpu speed scaling utilities and my system runs at 2.8g wid quite a lot of heat and fans whirling all the while. i had to do this coz the system wud become too sluggish!

anyone else facing this problem wid fc or any other distro?
i'm also not able to activate the pre-configured ondemand perf in the kernel (in cpuspeed)
with the cpufreq-info, i get to see that the driver used is speedstep-smi. but this driver is not present in the /lib/modules/2........../arch/cpu/..../ the only two files i can see are acpi-freq and p4-clockmod.
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El mooooo
Could it be that Kubuntu came with a newer kernel version? It seems to be a problem with speedstep module. The little googling I did reveals that the problem was patched on Oct 18 last year and both the distros came after that date but since Kubuntu was supposed to be a little more "on-the-edge" they could have included the patch. Try upgrading your kernel.


El mooooo
No idea what version they are running but it seems the patch to the module is here

The commit date is Oct 18...so it could be that the bug was introduced and fixed in series 18?


Wire muncher!
thanks :)

yes, kubuntu 6.06 has an older kernel.

also, any idea why the cpufreq daemon fails to start? where can i get the error log? one thing i'm not able to understand is that i do not haf speedstep-smi modules in the lib folder. then how can that be loaded?
since the cpu speed scaling is controlled by acpi drivers, cud it be a problem wid those? how do i go about rectifying it?
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Wise Old Owl
@Infra_red_dude, To make the cpufreq daemon start, you have to add it to the "Sessions" -> "Startup Programs".
Someone using Kubuntu can help you on this, since I'm using Ubuntu (GNOME).


Wire muncher!
yes i know that and it is added there. but as a daemon and as a commandline argument, it fails to start and i dunno where to look for the error log.


El mooooo
When you start it as a command line argument...do you get any output on terminal window? Does it crash or gives some error? Does it have a verbose mode?


Wire muncher!
nope it doesn't give any errors. i just invoke the command /etc/init.d/cpufreqd start and it says: failed. thats it.. nothing more!


El mooooo
/etc/init.d/cpufreqd is not the program itself. It is just a startup service of your distro that reads options from a conf file (most probably located in /etc) and tries to start cpufreq demon.

You can try to start the program directly by executing its binary. Just look in the /etc/init.d/cpufreqd file to know where the binary is located and execute it from terminal. That will give you an error.
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