Windows XP SP1,SP2,SP3 makes comp hang

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]-[ E l l F R 4 G G 3 R
I have a peculiar problem...its the comps fault for sure...

everytime i install windows xp either sp1 or sp2 or sp3 on my home comp, the comp shows a blank display after installation is over and comp has restarted.the windows boot screen is shown fine but as soon the login screen is about to come, it all goes black.ive used the same installation copy on other systems and it worked fine. also, if i try logging in throgh safe mode, everything works fine.
the specs of this particular comp is :1.6 ghz p4, 256mb ram, 100gb hdd, geforce 5200fx 128mb gfx (agp)

if i try installing a standard old copy installation of windows xp (without SP ), it works...but many softwares dont work on the old windows so i dont wanna use that.

any ideas wat cud be the prob ?


I'm guessing its a problem with the drivers for the display card perhaps.


In the zone
check ur AGP, It looks too old, I suggest it requires some cleaning.

do u really own win XP SP1, 2, 3 original???? Genuine?????


]-[ E l l F R 4 G G 3 R
i logged into safe mode n disabled the windows driver for the graphics

now whn im restarting the comp although no gfx r thr...the os works i guess the prob was with the gfx driver..

trouble is that everytym i remove the windows driver it reinstalls automatically on nxt restart without even giving me a chance...guess ill try to update the driver thn..

any idea on whats a gud driver for 5200 FX LE ??


]-[ E l l F R 4 G G 3 R
UPDATE: none of the drivers work...tried 77.77, 169.61, modifued Xtreme G, NGO drivers etc.

all giving same trouble....guess the gfx card is really screwed up :((
ne more ideas?? :S
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