Will this game run on this configuration?


ACid DrinkeR
What minimum fps do you guys consider as playable 40?(60?). I raised a similar question in other forum and some people answered even 120fps :eek: :eek: making me feel ashamed for i was happy with anything close to or above 30

20+ FPS is playable! 40+ is excellent 60+ is perfect

ALSO Intel HD 4000 play COD4 smoothly at low settings [didnt try any other settings] and GTA: SA, Dota 2, l4d2 all 3 on medium smoothly


What minimum fps do you guys consider as playable 40?(60?). I raised a similar question in other forum and some people answered even 120fps :eek: :eek: making me feel ashamed for i was happy with anything close to or above 30

Many games require minimum 20 fps to provide a fluid gameplay. Some requires 25 and some 30, depending upon game.
For eg: CIV 5 wants 30 for smooth area dragging, we can play it even on 20-30, but the smooth dragging wont be possible.
Likewise, many fps games are playable in 20-25 fps.


Super Moderator
Staff member
FPS games are playable around ~30FPS but that's true for SP only and when it comes to MP part everything changes .. I can feel the difference between 60,120 and 160 FPS ;-)


Living to Play
Well I personally still have a 8500GT but it don't run games nicely so gave it to a friend. As for now I am happy with "The Cyclone".


Super Moderator
Staff member
yes, and in mint condition , used it for hardly say a little more than a year [ bought on 2005 Dec ] ;-)


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ yes, that's the feeling :agreed:

So what do you do with that ??
Why not give it to someone who might be in need. :D:D

if I give it to someone they may not realize the proper value of this antique ;-) and start complaining for being it "Slow" - so it's better to be with me and oh, I don't do anything with it - it's just lying around a corner but stored properly.