wht prob i m facing????

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guys i jus shifted frm my old pc to new(new cpu,cabinet and mobo)after 3 yr old system broke....but in jus 20 days...i found this strangest prob........................

new comp:::::amd 2600+,asus a7v 400mx mobo,2ddr ram(512 mb total)......

my comp got hanged i restarted it....but it didnt started...but hd and inner all fans were working(bios didnt gave beep at all....and moniter and keyboard was standstill as if comp is off).............i disaasembled all parts and reassembled it....thinking may b some loose connection in..........but no help
i asked some tech guys ard...they doubted may b mobo had some prob..or may b bios chip developed error(i dont call h/w enggrs have bad experince with them...i m myself comp enggr stud)................

so i went to the dealer replaced the mobo.....but badluck same thing was repeated.......................all things were working...but again no bios beep to start comp(to start moniter and keyboard).......i pressed the restart button..once(nuthin happened...pressed it 2nd time...then it started.........

now after switching on the pc...i need to press the restart button twice....................does anyone know whts the prob.......


Broken In

A friend of mine had a similar problem and as it turned out the problem was with the SMPS. Have you got it checked.


i want some more replies...........i changed my smps to old one but still same prob persists..........one of my frnd told amd requires 400w smps.....i have 350w.....i went to the dealer to check it...he told there is nuthin to do with that.........and smps of 400 w cost ard 1300....my whole cabinet came in ard 1200......
he told me to bring the board again also i lost my disk (80gb).....bimistakely pressing the restart button hard...and the pin of disk got physically damaged..................

plz someone do giv some mor replies....................now i m thinking why did i went for amd,,,,,


Ambassador of Buzz
Oh wow . another A7V8X-MX or A7V8X-MX SE i suppose .

Well .

- SMPS is the first culprit . dont go for just rating of 350w on top . My Zebronics 350w kept going kaput all the time . the zebronics service ENGINEER himself said , ratings come in 2 stickers and one is bogus and i have to go for 400w . Reason i went for 350w in the first place was koz my initial 300w wasnt enuf . anyways . try techcoms 350w or higher supply . Run the sys on minimum , ie , no cdrom and other additional drives , fans , cards and check ur voltage in bios hardware monitor .

- Which bios is running on ur system ? try updating with awd flash program and not the windows app they have given .

- Post seldom gives a beep for me , unless there are errors . try removing ur ram and switch it on and u will get beep errors .
- Most troublesome prob with this board , koz of via is , it starts , stops within 5 seconds and then restarts normally . Via forums says this is normal way of testing in the M/B and it wont affect other parts . Sounds more like m/b has obsessive compulsive disorder (osd) .

- Check if ur manual to see if ur DIP switch is set to the right clock speed , ie , 166 . Check manufacturers site too . asus actually has a case where they misprinted the settings .

- check if ur panel connectors (leds) from cabinet are connected correctly to the m/b , check (+) and (-) . usually the written end of the connector face outwards .

hdd prob could be coz of bad controller . try running ur hdd in secondary and cdrom/dvd in primary . Disable UDMA for cdrom/dvd and let it run only on dma

- Check correct jumpers given on hdd , cdrom etc .
- Make sure ur cabinet panel were u place ur M/B is even . even that might cause problems .

- Change the Bios battery . most just drain while being in stock

- if going in for a flash , get ur friends or old sys pci video card to update . thats the only way to recover from bad flash , use sony floppy .

- sometimes the plate they give for the back of the cabinet with all the holes for keyboard mouse and all makes the connectors losen up

- In acpi settings , change an option to s1 or s3 and see which one works better .

- Enable assign irq to video

- check temperature of the m/b in bios

- make sure ur "clear bios " jumper isnt on the "shorted" pins . Misprints there too

Hope this is enuf for now . if u need more , will post . Try the simple steps first and give the output and then to the flashing and other stuff . If possible try running the m/b outta the cabinet , under a fan . Try getting an smps with intake fan at the bottom . SMPS getting overheated can cause probs too . Else an outtake fan just below the smps would do .

Give more specs , like cabinet brand and other stuff . Including ram specs and hdd , cdrom

check viaarena.com forums for more such probs and solutions . or just search in teoma.com




this r my bios and comp info abt vtg.............i run the comp with hdd(no cd rom floppy drive)..still the prob persists......also i removed the rams to check beeps..........
but again i needed to press restart to get that.........................

i have to press restart twice...1st time when i press...it does the mb check...fan stops and restart on 2nd restart it gives the beep and then comp runs......................

i m using a cabinet of BIIS (dont know much about it)..also smps is frm same ....it reads dc o/p 350w.........

also i checked the switched.......now it only runs on 100mhz default configuration..........(1.1ghz)............i run this same procc on 200mhz b4.....(ran at 1.9ghz)......................i bought this board for rs 2650.......


Why don't u recheck the SWITCH wiring, u might have accedently inserted the wrong switch wire to the wrong pins in your mobo since they look similar. This could have resulted for your Reset Switch to work as a Power Switch instead and the rest of the problem may also be related to this, check this out , may help not sure



i have checked them n times.................. the only thing i found odd is that my mobo booklet specifies a power led pin.....(3pin-1 for light 1 empty 1 gounded)i found no such wire on cabinet...


Ambassador of Buzz
@mag : thats the case for most cases and asus boards . the power connectors come in 2 seperate wires , with a pin left alone in between . there is an update for ur bios , i posted it in ur other thread . hope it helps


@klinux thks for the flash...i have flashed my bios.....but still the prob persists...now i m damn sure its related to some h/w....and most probably smps...hey btw i need to get the power connecter led wire???is it imp???

also i found the strange thing of hang occurs when my comp table suffers frm a jerk...may b the ac power is lost.........in bios settings restart on ac loss is set to auto(mobo guide tells.....auto settings bring it bak to place where the sys lost power)......
so i guess ac power lost occurs and sys gets hang...i needed to press reset button here on.....

now i m thinking......i have wrong smps or the 350 watts setting is fake........i will change my smps soon and will c whether prob is solved or not...
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