Hmm... , dont go for
3230! There are better cells available in that same price band.
3230 has bad keypads (they are stocky), bit bulky, and non stereo speakers. Darklord (a member) has this phone and he says he has not figured where the mp3 playback option is there....
So if u want to go for D500 or 3230, go for D500
BUt remember:
1. D500 --> Non symbian (so u can't install any apps)
2. D500 --> Non expandable memory (96mb wont be enough for a mp3 playbacks)
3. D500 --> flip phone and looks a lot better than 3230 which is bulky.
D500---> 20k
3230 ---> 18k (not 20k as u said)
6630 --> 22.5k (with bill in chennai, so u will get a lot cheaper at mumbai)
Man, wake up! So quote price which is higger than what is say