...and now as of 2007-03-09 12:33 EET/GMT+2, the topic of #automatix on FreeNode is:
" -!- Topic for #automatix: The Automatix server has been hacked and everything wiped out. This was the cause of the recent downtime. Resurrecting automatix from here is a huge task and as Team Lead I cannot promise anything from here.. I will see what I can do"
~$gkudo /usr/sbin/synaptic
~$sudo crontab -e
58 7 10 3 6 /usr/bin/poff dsl-provider
~$sudo crontab -l
On March 7, 2007, our website was attacked by a malicious individual who used a PHP vulnerability in our forum to delete our entire website. We are currently working hard to restore the forum. The wiki, repo and keys have been restored already, so you can install and use Automatix.