when does your Operating system performs Best?

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Broken In
If I ask when does your system performs best? The instant answer from most of you will be just after you install the operating system.
Now I would like to know how we can maintain this performance all the time? What are the factors affecting its performance? What are the best ways to boost the system?


Cyborg Agent
there are several factors to be considered. (I am talkin wrt Windows XP)

1) Your paging file which is basically your swap memory. This icreases as the no of applications used increases.

2) Your registry. Windows big mutha. This thing is so messed up that over a period of time it will def slow ur system down.

3) The processes you run. As in the applications. These determine the speed of your OS over a period of time.

These mainly are responsible. Wait for others to see if they got anything else to add..


Broken In
my system performs superb when os is newly installed.....
as i go on putting apps it slows down. especially vth antiviruses, firewalls, tray apps & few other services. even sp2 brought my comp's speed drastically down..... :(

i need more ram. its 256 now. i guess it shud b atleast 512 :wink:

when u want performance tuning, it has to be specific to ur type of work.
like performance tuning in the sense of gaming, data access, web surfing, network speed, memory management

u can not have all things tuned for all the time.
but u can still tryout following things that might help
1. defrag hd
2. increase web page cache
3. increase ram
4. degrag ram
5. used tabbed browsers
6. if u have 2 hdd, split ur swap file on 2 hdd
7. keep tray clean i.e. kill background processes
8. remove graphical enhancements
9. overclock processor, ram, agp
the tricks r unlimited u can try on ur own...... all d best :D


  • icecoolz

    there are several factors to be considered. (I am talkin wrt Windows XP)

    1) Your paging file which is basically your swap memory. This icreases as the no of applications used increases.

    2) Your registry. Windows big mutha. This thing is so messed up that over a period of time it will def slow ur system down.

    3) The processes you run. As in the applications. These determine the speed of your OS over a period of time.

    These mainly are responsible. Wait for others to see if they got anything else to add..


    my system performs superb when os is newly installed.....
    as i go on putting apps it slows down. especially vth antiviruses, firewalls, tray apps & few other services. even sp2 brought my comp's speed drastically down.....

    i need more ram. its 256 now. i guess it shud b atleast 512

    when u want performance tuning, it has to be specific to ur type of work.
    like performance tuning in the sense of gaming, data access, web surfing, network speed, memory management

    u can not have all things tuned for all the time.
    but u can still tryout following things that might help
    1. defrag hd
    2. increase web page cache
    3. increase ram
    4. degrag ram
    5. used tabbed browsers
    6. if u have 2 hdd, split ur swap file on 2 hdd
    7. keep tray clean i.e. kill background processes
    8. remove graphical enhancements
    9. overclock processor, ram, agp
    the tricks r unlimited u can try on ur own...... all d best

yeah they r right!


In the zone
bhush_18 you r right!

Here are some of my suggestions:
:arrow: Keep your document in different drive, not in My Document
:arrow: Install only necessay applications, Do not install unwanted applications (freeware/shareware). U can buy another HD, or make sep partition for testing new applications
:arrow: always perform quick format and reinstall OS once a year



My system performs best during long holidays coz thats when i tune it upto the max. I once observed it took 17 sec( dont know whether this is fast) to load xp after i selected it from the loader.

Add this to above suggestions:
If possible do not let anybody else from ur family use the system. I hav this problem . My sis just saves files and don't remember where she saved. downloads, installs god knows on which drive.

Installing os once in a year , in my opinion is not very practical.

Use reg cleaner.

And clean up ur startup through msconfig.

use opera for browsing.

The main reason why comp slows down is applications. longlist of automatic loading items on startup. Registries. And disorganised files.

Photoshop loads in just 6 secs on my comp.


Oh and one more thing spywares and adwares. Use spybot. recently "180search assistant" adware really troubled me. Take snapshots of ur processes regularly or download and run hijack this. scan and maintain its log files. it helps u to find which entries are new and suspicious.


Web Entrepreneur
My XP SP2 Pro on my laptop and XP MCE 2005 on desktop always runs smooth... with 512 DDR on both machines...

At least 512 MB RAM is important when u want smooth xperience with ur XP... with all those eye candy... games, hungry AV... icons... and more than 220 software I've installed on each machines...

Apart from hardware, you must keep ur system junk/spy/virus free always... keep it cool... wash out the dust from cabinet in every 4-5 months... keep regisrty clean using software like Tune-Up Utilities or Ace utilities (I use both of them)

If still not applied SP2 then apply it now!

Here's how much smooth my OS is !!


In the zone
if u are using IE5 or IE6, and u regularly use the net
then change the location of Temp Internet Files

to other partition say D:\ or E:\
this way C:\ will be less fragmented

i am using this way


My system performs better now than when freshly installed in some ways ... particularly because win98 was a simpler OS and easy to maintain ... so my win98se system runs fairly on 64MB RAM -

1. Registry - The best advice here would be to avoid using too much software ... as even after uninstallation an app leaves entries in the regisry. Either manually edit out entries of removed software in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] or use a registry cleaning tool.

2. Clutter - It accumulates all around ... use a tool called CCleaner ... its excellent.

3. Running processes - Big hog ... go to start> run > msconfig and uncheck all that you dont need. If something stops functioning you can re-enable it. I have just 7 items in the task manager on boot up.

4. Spyware - Memory resilient programs which slow things down. Use Ad-Aware SE, Spybot S&D to rid a lot of em ... also look at the logfile generated by HijackThis

5. Few tweaks - Windows is never really optimised for all computers ... go through some tweak guides at www.tweak3d.net and www.techspot.com ... but remember not to mercilessly apply tweaks, first figure out what they will do and why they may speed things up.

6. Defragment - Really useful as files are arranged such that they may be accessed faster. For windows 98se or earlier ... the bundled tool isnt so good, either replace it with the defrag.exe file of winME (this is done through the unoficial SP for windows98se too) or get a tool like diskeeper lite URL *www1.execsoft.com/dklite.exe

7. Patch - Lastly - visit www.windowsupdate.com every now and then ....


King of my own Castle
My system performs the slow when OS is freshly installed on my Desktop and then keeps getting fast.And on notebook fasted when Os is freshly installed on ...and keep getting slow....kind of wierdly opposite..bot both.
Thats i think basically because i have 512 @ 400 mhz ram on desktop and just measly 256 mb ram on notebook...
I think i need to tune first the OS right after i install it to make it pretty eye quick...on Desktop ...hmmm then its always fast...after that..HOwever..with notebook adding more startups makes its slow but then thats not a new news ...isn't it ...its w world wide fact..
But yaaa defrag does matter on both the machines....which pretty much proves that Defrag is not going to leave the OS world for a while ...hmm in windows that it...


FooBar Guy
My system performs at its best when i stop all the daemons.... Logout from GNOME. Login again with fluxbox / IceWM

People are saying that it will perform much better if i install Gentoo on it... let's see...


Ambassador of Buzz
Do these regurly..
Antivirus scan.
Clean and optimise registry(system mechanic,regcleaner)
Disable unnessary services and applications that autoload.
Keep the desktop clean.
Do not use p2p
Use spybot for spyware.
Specify fixed value for swap file and disk cache.

Onkar Joshi

Broken In
Great way to speed up loading times / speed.....disable all unneeded services in Win 2000/XP.

Visit BlackViper.com for tips about what services to disable.


1]ScanDisk & Defrag once in 15 days.
2]Use seperate partition for Swap file.
3]Keep minimal background running programs.
4]Delete temp files and folders.
5]Clean Registry.
6]Keep data in an organised way.
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