what to buy


BMG ftw!!
And still 80+ certified, which means >~82% efficiency during >90% of load.
Good enough for normal uses.

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
CORSAIR 500CXV2UK - Rs 3276. Dont buy the VS 450 its utter crap. Get the one I mentioned,always leave some headroom for the PSU to funtion with efficiency.This one thing you shouldnt skimp on for a few hundred rupees.
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Cyborg Agent
Bad knowledge about psus mate. You are missing one point here. Current/wattage supplied should be close to power taken from the source , for higher efficiency .

SS-400ES is 80+ bronze certified so efficiency is between 80% & 85%

Corsair CX430 V2 Power Supply Review | Hardware Secrets

According to this review CX430v2 has efficiency between 81.2% - 85.4%
so doesn't this convey same efficiency as seasonic one??
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