What is the use of these?

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what is the use of the hidden files such as system volume information,found.000,config.msi??



In the zone
"System volume information" is the folder where all the data related to "system restore" is stored.

"found.000" is created when you run disk checker & if it finds any cross linked files.

I dont know much about "config.msi", but it is created by "Msiexec.exe", the Windows Installer to perform any rollback operations and it holds some unistallation data i think.

Lets wait for the others to reply


Šupər♂ - 超人
don't play with system volume information,config.msi... files

U don't want to mess up ur system, right...

U can happily play with found.*** files. They are just backups of missing files recovered when u scandisk a hard disk after a sudden shutdown or so... files in any lost clusters...

So, if u have an idea of the files lost... you can rename the file found.*** to whatever file u suppose it to be & run them... like u miss a koolbluez.fla file and u suppose them to be it, just rename the found.000 to koolbluez.fla

Then run it.. if it works, u got ur file... else try on another.. a good factor for recognition will be the size of file... small files are not worth recovering.. but those larger... like those 200+kb or in mbs... could be some *.zip, *.exe, *.doc, *.jpg... files..

Happy recovering.....
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