What is needed for success in the software world?


Right off the assembly line
Pretty self explanatory title.
I mean, look at Mark Zuckerburg, sure he is an intelligent programmer but there exist many computer scientists that are equally (or more) intelligent than him...
What made the difference?
In fact, many of the big names dont have any (or very little) formal education!
How do they succeed? Is it just because of the tremendous interest in the field? I dont think. If that'd be the case, most of us would be Bill Gates :p

Waiting for your views on this guys!


An Idea SIrji!!! "It can change your life."
Popular things are not necessarily a complex innovation.Therefore , high intellect is not required. You just need something that people will love and grab easily.

Just my few cents.

Btw , Marketing has a big role to play according to current scenario.People are dumb to buy anything you will throw at them , but you need to pack them in smart way.


In the Zone
I don't know but I think its all a mixture of ability to think differently and to a large extend a matter of luck.
Atleast thats what happened with Facebook. They came out with something different.
The way it got mixed up in lives of even normal non-geeky type people never cease to surprise me ...I don't think nothing will be able to replace that website. (Look at google+.)
I have met a lot of people who have no interest in computers but still wanna join facebook and know more about it. :D
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