Ambassador of Buzz
Getting some weird Textures in both games. Images attached along with settings. get 25-30 fps in both games on an average.
Specs in my sig. Gpu (stable overclock 840/1040 from 775/950) runs at 100% and cpu ~ 75%. latest AMD drivers (13.12)
Temps never went above 60 for both cpu and gpu
Crysis 3:
Randomly get white spheres, not on every level but a few. plus a weird texture on one level.
Farcry 3:
Textures seem weird when moving, as if crumbling (see bonet above front left tyre), plus weird shadow/reflection effects (mountain and water). Both happen when i'm moving, nothing when still. Feels freaky when playing
Specs in my sig. Gpu (stable overclock 840/1040 from 775/950) runs at 100% and cpu ~ 75%. latest AMD drivers (13.12)
Temps never went above 60 for both cpu and gpu
Crysis 3:
Randomly get white spheres, not on every level but a few. plus a weird texture on one level.
Farcry 3:
Textures seem weird when moving, as if crumbling (see bonet above front left tyre), plus weird shadow/reflection effects (mountain and water). Both happen when i'm moving, nothing when still. Feels freaky when playing