Watch out for these upcoming PC titles

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Broken In
hahahari said:
Thnx for the info buddy.sems all the games comming out now a days are too short!!!!
That was true of World in Conflict too (single player).

My theory is: game developers reckon they don't have to spend a lot of time and money in single player any more since most gamers would go MP and get the value of money still.


@ sanjay_111.

I donot agree that.
Eg : POP T2T it is medium long and intresting.

Some games are made short but they are much intresting than any others.
they have good storyline, graphics etc etc


M$™ Certified Spammer
i dont think crysis is THAT demanding. right now i changed the settings, am running at everything maximum, and aa is 16xq something like that.


Human Spambot
entrana said:
i dont think crysis is THAT demanding. right now i changed the settings, am running at everything maximum and aa is 16xq something like that.
At 16x with maximum settings it should be awesome.Post some screens.


M$™ Certified Spammer
sorry guys could only take 1 nic screenshot because if i go near the enemies ill die.. sorry
this image quality seems worse than the original. but hey i posted it


entrana said:
i dont think crysis is THAT demanding. right now i changed the settings, am running at everything maximum, and aa is 16xq something like that.

running at Ultra settings??? and at wat res?


M$™ Certified Spammer
1280x1024.. i had to change water and posprocessing to medium and aa to 16x to run on normal framerates, but doesnt make much of a difference. very high looks way way way way way better than high. had to tweak it a little


NP : Crysis
@harvik, entrana and others who've played crysis.... which game did u enjoy more? F.E.A.R. (at the time it came out) or crysis??

i personally liked FEAR much more. not only was the story amazingly gripping, it is the only game i've ever played that sends chills down my spine and really gets my heart racing. its gfx are awesome too.


Guess Who's Back
Why aren't you people playing the witcher ?? its the best RPG game ever released , xbonez play the witcher its the best game of this year , the graphics are awesome considring the fact the game is made out aura tools shipped with neverwinter nights (2002) also the game world has an impact on ever choice you make, right from the chapter 1 , ex, in one chaper i had to protect a box of wepeons, in later chapter many important NPC died in the game because a group of non human terroist got hold of the box.

This game is great just try once , its best RPG ever released don't believe what other say this game is great. :D
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