hey guys, apart the gameplay, the graphics and the reality are, in one word, sh1t. I don't know how the game looks like on highest on dx 10 but on high in dx9 isn't worth playing. Far cry was innovative, for this game i don't know,. some things are better done in oblivion or in gothic, not to mention some physics that are better even in GTA or half life 2. I'l now try to play the campaign, but, the first impression is... a great dissapointment

uhmmm, dunno, think it uses both cores, as crytek was generally talking a lot about 4 cores utilization from what i can remember, for the great physics and so on.. the AI is great, you shoot [of course with silencer] and they run to the position where the bullet hits an obstacle or tree or whatever, i mean, it makes noises, sure, but thats not from where the bullet comes ;] hehehe, maybe there are some other ballistic rules in 2020 which we are not aware off? just try to shoot from layin down around and look the happy korean patrol walk all around lookin for the silver bullets ;] it can take even 10 hits in torso to put an guy down, i mean, kevlar vest, but if some gets hit from 50-60m with 10 bullets he doesn't get's up that fast and cries for more...
I hoped also for some 'distraction' ability, sure you can grab that branch or whatever, but if you throw it with comuflage on, it will be turned off in a sec.. so for what can i pick up all that stuff and can't use it do distract enemies??
The Gfx looks great, but that's it for me as far.. i killed 2 tanks and one helicopter..
Try to go on higher ground and **** camouflage, the AI is too stupid to catch you if you are on roof or even few rocks higher..
they try to flank you, but then forgot in the half distance where they actually were running..

and just for an comparsion:
The mission in COD, in Russia, where you have to take out the Heli with the stinger [an old Mi-8!] and it maneuvers, tries to turn and accelerates, pop's flares and flies in circles around you, it actually behaves as an helicopter would
Helicopter starts shooting with the Mini gun, hover's over an Area, no flyby's, nothing, you lunch an rocket, and the Ka-50 just Hovers in same place waiting for another rocket to come i mean it wasn't even hard to shoot this thing down
You can blast a shad with an granade, but an Tank with an 90+ mm cannon shoots into the same shad and nothing happens...

I figured id list a few things i noticed that were kind of missing though.
1. When you pickup chickens, why dont they fly when you toss them??? they just die and do the ragdoll flipflop. Oh and how come there so damn slow?? maybe the koreans feed them too much.
2. How come the ground isnt deformable like in the original farcry?? I wanted to make some craters!
3. How come the enemy dies when you toss them into the water? Don't Koreans know how to swim??
4. And.. why did the black guy and mexican have to get killed first in your team?? Its like the movies from the 80s LOL
5. Oh yah, next time you come across a shack with 4 poles holding it up, knock 3 poles out and watch the last one defy the laws of gravity and keep the roof held up
6. Yah you cant shoot through walls, even if you want to, you have to just knock them down instead.
7. Is it just my computer, or are there no bullet wound marks on the enemies after they got shot?
8. When you toss the frogs in the air, they dont come back down
9. how can 4 punches kill a person? Or is nomad just friggin strong, without the strenght mod? :O
10. Why can't you shoot heli pilots with the sniper rifle?????

isnt as good as i expected..
seems almost like a dupe of farcry but with less AI somehow.
COD4 was about 50x better than this.