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Right off the assembly line
i hav a budget of 14k should i try try for the w610i or the w810i i mean wats the difference?? or should i look at somother phone, i basically need a sleek phone with music.


Wire muncher!
hmmm... i'd say goto the shop and get a dummy. hold both in ur hands and decide which are u comfortable wid. other than that i do not find much practical and usable difference between the two!


W610i is better in music compared to W810i. It has Walkman v2 player which has a small but noticeable improvement in sound quality compared to v1 in W810i. The player also supports album art and visualisation which further improve the experience. It also supports A2DP bluetooth profile so you can use stereo bluetooth headsets with it and get stereo sound. It also has the cool TrackID feature (i have it in my W710i). It allows you to record a clip of music with the phone's mic or from the radio. The clip is then sent to the database from where info about the songs title, album and artist is sent to you. Its really cool but works only for international tracks and not hindi music. Only drawback i find in W610i (as of now) is that it uses M2 cards which currently max out at 1 gb and cost a bomb compared to PRO DUO (which W810i uses) which max out at 2gb and are much cheaper.


Wire muncher!
krazyfrog said:
W610i is better in music compared to W810i. It has Walkman v2 player which has a small but noticeable improvement in sound quality compared to v1 in W810i.
tested the two and didn't feel any difference in sound quality.

krazyfrog said:
The player also supports album art and visualisation which further improve the experience. It also supports A2DP bluetooth profile so you can use stereo bluetooth headsets with it and get stereo sound.
yes, advantage over w810i

krazyfrog said:
It also has the cool TrackID feature (i have it in my W710i). It allows you to record a clip of music with the phone's mic or from the radio. The clip is then sent to the database from where info about the songs title, album and artist is sent to you.
practically useless feature

krazyfrog said:
Only drawback i find in W610i (as of now) is that it uses M2 cards which currently max out at 1 gb and cost a bomb compared to PRO DUO (which W810i uses) which max out at 2gb and are much cheaper.
correct! btw, pro duos are available upto capacities of 4gb and are supported by all phones which use the pro duo standard (yes, including k750i and w800i)

offtopic: krazy, i thot u had and n e50. when did u get w710i?


The TrackID feature is good and i use it quiet often and it works well. I also know that pro duos max out at 4 gb but you won't find them in india, here its only upto 2gb. And yes even i've seen people on other forums using 4gb cards in K750i and W800i without problems.
Offtopic: i never had an E50. I only wanted to buy one. I had a QD. I bought this one (W710i) second hand because i found it quiet cheap and in good condition and has good features.


The Techno Perv
w610i ... personally.. even i wz in doubt a few weeks ago.. i ultimately bought w810i coz its highly customizable.. i wud have bought w610i but i hate those small keys.. impossible to type smses!! but i really miss the walkman 2.0 player n a2dp feature in w610i!


rahulbhatnagar said:
ok, i get that the w610i is better, bt is there anyother phone i can look at in the same price range??
Nokia N70 Music Edition, 3250 Xpress Music and Samsung D840.


w810i any day man...da keypad on w610 suks!! if ur a sms junkie lk me u ll detest da idea of typin on tht crampd keypad...n da walkman2 dsnt offer mch xcept da album art feature..4 da track id u gotta hv an always on internet connection(Xtra cost 4 nthn!!) ...da only thng it has over 810 IMHO is da a2dp bluetooth profile enabling bluetooth stereo headsets...oderwise it aint wrth da 2k price diff !!


Rockin g33k
^^^^^..yes dude it does....its bttr than most phns barring the n91 and the is gud fr su genres wile nokia fr sum hter..u cnt compare their sound.....and ya my frnd bought a 610..
aac to him...

cam not too good..perfect fr outdoors tho
music quality too good
not too loud
supports a2dp
internal 90 mb
sms 1000:D
they also provide a pair of speakers...
thts bout it..
interface awesum..
video ringtones...
vry good....

5700.....all of thse and 3g...


Yeah man 5700 is really an awesome phone. Although when launched it might cost around 16k.


Rockin g33k
dnt compare ne n serie phns with the xpress music.....n serie phns are crap xcept the n73 and the u really want a phn wch hangs like nethin...and sound quality cnnt be compared..and the 5700 does evrythin tht an n serie can..


There is no such thing as a crappy N series phone. Ok maybe except for N90 and N92. But all others are good. And don't forget N series also has N91 which has the best sound quality among all cell phones and equal to that of the iPod.


Rockin g33k
ok....n91...4 gb...load it with songs till 2. gb...regardless of the firmware..updated to the lates verion....see th no the hangs...and the n serie doesnt hav 12dp..a must
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