Hello Forum,
i will be visiting Mumbai
name me some places worth visit
Tech Market
A specific store where i can buy arduino accessories aka Electronic modules.
Lamington road... search in this place..
MAC-NET Technology, 18, Shree Ganesh Bhuvan, Kalpana Bldg, 1st Floor, Lamington Road, Opposite Police Station, Mumbai - 400007.
On the same floor, same building there's Gala Electronics that sells all the other things that you might need like LED, capacitors, resistors etc.
there are many shops in this place.. you need to ask for engineering project accessories, etc etc...
Frugal Labs Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Comparison of single-board computers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Arduino boards and compatible systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nettop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PC-on-a-stick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia