geforce4 said:
u know thumbs.db and folder.htt are a soft spot for attacks, y donn ya get a good kool antivir and scan.that way u'll be quite sure of ur sytems security.
I dont know about folder.htt but thumbs.db and attacks-where in the world did you get that idea?
The idea behind thumbs.db is that Microsoft when creating Win XP thought that we were 3 year old kids and would like to see an image of a video before playing it or a small image of the picture and set out on a monumental struggle to help in this cause
Thus whenever you check on My Computer -> Details -> Thumbnails,Win XP stores a small file for the video and picture files in that directory called thumbs.db
Thus you can see an image of the video or the small scale version of a picture as an icon for that file
I think the idea behind folder.htt is that suppose in a folder you have video or picture files and you have selected My Computer -> Details -> Thumbnails , the folder will have maximum of 4 very small size images of the content inside the folder to give you a rough idea that the folder contains videos/pictures
Follow that instructions of my previous post and you will save a lot of HDD space,depending on how many video/picture files you have