Virtua Tennis 4


Living to Play
Completed this game long time ago with 1033 or 1043 stars, don't remember the exact figure. I did played against Jim and King in my career and defeated them. Nowadays I play doubles arcare with my friend.


I noticed that when i play big final my player commits "out" , never at normal matches . Why , and how overcome it? Is it opponent player's tricks and skill?


Living to Play
Yes its opponet's skill. If you are giving wrong direction while returning very fast shots then you would get out. When you return smashes then also many times it goes out. Train your played well by playing the small games. This would help you overcome that trouble.


Legend Never Ends
Whenever we play Jim Courier or any other special player their level of playing is insane. They hit shots that too at most sharpest of angles and guess what?
I defeated King by giving all shots to his forehand. One shot to his stronger side and its winner. Insane player


Living to Play
Well for special players, you have find their weak spot and work on that or you can't win. Not at hardest difficulty for sure, can't comment on other difficulties.
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