uTORRENT related

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Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

is there any setting in uTORRENT so that I can add the port number of a seeder (for noobs, A Seeder is the person who has the complete file a.k.a 100% of the file) into my uTORRENT list (if any list or setting exists) so that i can d/load from him the required file without any interruption? (say, getting a constant d/load speed for that file from him)?

ALso, wen i rt click on the port number of a seeder, i get an option of ADD PEER, COPY PEERLIST, COPY SELECTED HOSTS , will ADDING PEER (IP address & Port number) of a seeder gives me an advantage (in terms of d/loading the required part of the file or the whole file) with a constant speed ?

So, wat do these options mean? plz reply.. :)

NOTE: I have already dedicated a port number in my PC as per the PORT FORWARDING rules..and also configured my Router for the same..

Cheers n e-peace,,,


yes u can do so using d "Add peer" option under the Peers tab. As far the d/l speed is concerned it totally depends on the connectivity offered by the peer's ISP and settings.

offtopic: will it be necessary for the peer we add to be on the same tracker as well ??


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
^^ THanx for the add peer reply :) and the ans to ur offtopic querry is below :)

No, its not necessary for the peer that we add to be on the same tracker, coz apart from BitComet, (wich has been banned by many trackers, coz it allows only those peers to be visible who use the same BitComet clients,,wich is unfair) all other clients like Azureus, uTORRENT, allow peers from other trackers as well as far as they are giving/ providing the right files at the right speed and with LEAST hashfails (if the hashfail is >5 i.e hashfails occuring more than 5 times in a single d/load), the peer is kicked (a.k.a blocked) .. :)

THis is my understanding, AFAIk.. :)


Legen-wait for it-dary!
What ashu888 says is right, the peer need not be on the same tracker, because, when you add a peer to the list, your client connects to the peer, and it downloads/uploads based on the situation, and no tracker is involved. A tracker is only to get the list of peers, and you dont have to be "on" a tracker.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
^^ also adding to my comment further :)

A tracker is just a medium for all the peers to be held collectively together, the tracker in many cases (like tracker for uTORRENT) dose not knw the type of files wich are being shared b/w ppl (or users to be more precise) but just makes sure that where ever the PEER is holding that part of the file or the file in whole, they shud all be connected together and share the parts for a common purpose (known as seeding+leeching) .. :)

U can think of it as a McDOnald's shop, :D whre all ppl come to eat and SHARE their views and then wen the conversation is over on that common topic, they all move to their respective plzces or routes.. :)

Also, i was able to find out wat advantage the ADD PEER gives wen d/loading a torrent file.. well as such there is NO advantage coz as it is the BitTORRENT (the application s/ware which uses helps to d/load torrent files, eg: uTORRENT) will eventually connect to the NEWEST PEER as soon as it gets itself connected to it..

To say in simple terms..all the PEERS which are the MOST active and MOST likely to have a good connection speed are chosen by the bitTorrent client.. :)

(the only SMALL advantage being that, the bittorrent client on ur PC will eventually connect itself to that PEER which was ADDED by the "ADD PEER" command without any significant increase in speed, coz it depends on the PEER's connectivity)

Cheers n e-peace....
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