^not really

that was an indirect change that occured
I don't give a damn to feminists.
Thats because I never make much of a distinction between guys and girls, unless it comes to *certain* things which are certainly not political.
What I want to be ensured is that if you have 10 year jail term for a guy raping a girl, have the same for a girl raping a guy.
In India, in Railway trains, staring at women is termed as harassment :X

and there is 2 years of jail term for the men commiting this *offence*.
well, who the hell is intrested in staring at some X, Y or Z ?
and even females stare at men.
but the govt gives no damn to it.
Thats where I get
I am sick of all these "morality" related laws.
the government is not the body which decides what is moral and what is not. If you don't want to see something, then don't see it. Its that simple. But these Indian b@st@rds who are exessively conservative want to intrude on our culture and impose theirs forcefully.