URGENT Help needed 4 a 65k Gaming Rig .

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Broken In
Hello everyone .

I want to get a PC assembld 4 abt 65k
(I know dere r many posts like dis already bt my main problm is d motherboard,didnt find much on dem.)
considering d following things:-

1. shud b able 2 play all recent as well as upcoming games decently nd smoothly at mid settings or may b even at low settings 4 sum really heavy future games .

2. nd sum odr simple things like surfing,photoshop ,sum video editing nd conversion,flash and may b sum 3-D animation as well later on .

3.I shud b able 2 do without any upgrades 4 d nxt 2 years nd no serious upgrades (Mo.Bo nd processor)4 d nxt 3-4 years .

Aftr searching on net nd a few recent pages of Hardware Troubleshooting section i hav dcided the following :-

CPU - C2D E6600 - 10,400

Mo.Bo. - Nothing dcided bt considring d following (dunno exact prices)-
2. ASUS P5k DLX (read dat it has media centre remote nd sumthings like dat sumwhere on dis forum bt didn't find anything on asus site.)
3. ASUS P5k3 DLX (basically jst coz it has DDR3 support )
4. XFX MB N680 ISH nforce 680i SLI (dunno much abt it bt it was suggestd by xbonez at *www.viewzreviewz.com/hardware/gamingpc01.htm )

I m not going 2 use SLI at all.

PLS suggest d bst one along wid d prices prefrably.

RAM - 2 X 1 GB Kingston DDr2 -667Mhz - 3.5k
(I think it wud b bettr dan only 1 GB Corsair 800 MHz since booth come at abt 3.5 k)

HDD - 2 X Seagate 160GB SATA 2 - Raid 0 - 4.6k

GFX CARD - XFX 8600 GT(256 MB) -7.8k

PSU - Cooler MAster 600W Extreme Power - 3.5k

CABINET - 1. Antec super lanboy (dunno whether it wud luk gud with evrything else completely black.) - 4.5k

OR 2. iBall - Gamer (dunno price) - (like d luks nd d optional xtra fan shud b enuf) (LINK-*iball.co.in/inner/show_product_details2.asp?catid=20&pid=117)

LCD - 1. ASUS VW192T
OR 2 . AOC 197S (both shud b around 11k,i guess.)
( I dont care abt any xtra features or ports or spkrs at all . Only thing dat matters is gud diplay 4 Games, Movies nd Surfing . Nd yes it shud hav vertical swivel prefrably)

KBD.+MOUSE - Logitech EX 110. - around 2000.

DVD WRITER - Nothng dcided bt i think LG shud b gud since hav nvr heard any complaint abt. LG optical drives .
Nd i also heard SATA writers r out . Is dat true ? Shud i go 4 one?
Or shud i go 4 a lightscribe one .How much does such media cost ?

Sorry , if d post has been too long .

PS :- All d abv mentiond prices r what i hav found on net ,havnt consultd any dealr yet .

Pls correct d prices wherevr wrong . Any suggestions regarding dealers in Nehru Place (New Delhi) wud b highly appreciated .

I m going 2 buy it this week only .

Thanx in advance .
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Make Way the LORD is Here
for mobo i suggest msi p6n sli or msi p6nsliv2 they r better than asus ones
and for graphics cxard go for palit or msi 8600gt cuz xfx r a little over priced

all other choices r good enough..the best dvd writers r from liteon


Make Way the LORD is Here
if u r not planning to change ur mobo in less than 3 years go for ddr2 ..if ur planning to keep ur sytem for more than 3 years go for ddr3 cuz it will take them 3 years to become main stream
the boards u cud go for if u want ddr3 are msi P35 Neo Combo or msi P35 Diamond..will find out prices & tell u soon


Broken In
XFX 8600 GT is available for 7000 in Bangalore....

And MSI P6N Sli Platinum costs 11.2K... Its a feature rich board... supports 1333FSB processors too...So u get a bit of future proofing as well... Moreover, with MSI reliability wont be a problem... You can also check out the 'non Platinum' version of the same board too... Will cost about 2k less i believe...


The King...
If u r into hardcore gaming.... 8600GT won't do justice... get atleast a 8800GTS... i know the price is high... but its the best bet out there...

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
No to MSI ... Get E6550 will be out at 22nd July ... + 2 Gigs of Kingston only Kingston as Transcend And Corsair value has old chips i.e Hynix still :x while Kingston provide Elpida... Good for Oc.. Board P5N 32 E SLi any day :)Hdd 320 Gb... .8800 GTS 320 min.. I mean if u wanna get higher then u can but do not buy lower than this :)
No super lanboy now Antec stopped producing it btw no 8800 will fit in it :p .. Get CM Praetorian 730 or 32 :) and P35 will cost bomb now so leave it as no DDR3 now and no Penryn :p

Rest am pretty lazy .. :p


Broken In
MSI is a very good manufacturer... I cant comment on the others since i never used them but I can tell you MSI is very reliable... You wont regret buying an MSI board...


In the zone
ASUS- The best in mobos with a plethora of o'clockin options...

XFX 680i SLI isnt yet avaialable... Only the LT variant is..

And now get a P35 chip mobo...NOt the P965 chip...

8800GTS if gamin is d real need... Price wud drop by July ends...


Right off the assembly line
iluvmusic said:
Yes ,yes, aftr seeing dat i edited my prev. post .

Nd by d way shudnt i go 4 DDR3 ?
Do u hav any idea of "ASUS P5k3 DLX " price.

this board was available in nehru place at smc...just 1 piece was there and i got it for 16000 on saturday evening.....if u are interested in buying this board u can contact me as im willing to sell it to buy a diff. mobo now

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
gannu_rox said:
ASUS- The best in mobos with a plethora of o'clockin options...

XFX 680i SLI isnt yet avaialable... Only the LT variant is..

And now get a P35 chip mobo...NOt the P965 chip...

8800GTS if gamin is d real need... Price wud drop by July ends...

2nd that :D


gannu_rox said:
ASUS- The best in mobos with a plethora of o'clockin options...

XFX 680i SLI isnt yet avaialable... Only the LT variant is..

And now get a P35 chip mobo...NOt the P965 chip...

8800GTS if gamin is d real need... Price wud drop by July ends...

Why? G92 wont be coming before Nov/Dec. So why would they drop the prices?


winoamly said:
this board was available in nehru place at smc...just 1 piece was there and i got it for 16000 on saturday evening.....if u are interested in buying this board u can contact me as im willing to sell it to buy a diff. mobo now

what mobo do u wanna buy after selling that mobo?
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