Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
^ yea, we hate it too. :|

The avatars are not working now. :( The admins are not doing enough. What can we do?

We are also here just because of the friends....:(


how about a google group anybody with some email address can use it :!::idea:

F1, good idea but needs some changes.

^^ if you guys want, i put up a small phpbb/mybb installation on something like urt.hullap.com .

make separate blog/web :idea:


I think that as you guys were going to buy a UrT server.
Did you get cheated by the Server hosting company?? :razz:

In the same way you guys could also pool in funds to buy a domain name and start a seperate site with its own forum and Other stuff.

Another alternative is to Get a Free Forum
  • www.freeforums.org/
  • www.forumotion.com/
  • www.freeforums.com/
  • www.forumer.com/
Another alternative is to make a partnership with another clan like the TOT-FAOD Clan alliance or DeR and Sky alliance.


I don't know the exact story about DeR and Sky.
But then, it is a noob clan with just 3-4 Pro's (Read :Good Players and Multi-Clanners)


What about Crazy's girlfriend vs Krazzy's girlfriend in Urban Terror? :lol:

We are tired of Crazy vs Krazzy....:p
Where do they come into the picture??? For all i know none of them have been mentioned in last 5-6 pages.

Use black as the colour and use the default font size. Thank you.
I am using the default size ie.2 but i have got the choice to use the colour of my choice or not??
But then, Every1 changes their controls too in Urban terror so why not here in the forums?


dHR's Siggy said:
i am a mapper too पर क्या है की अब तक कोई map complete नहीं कर पाया साला क्या कुछ काम ऐसे होते है की वोह सारा data गायब कर देते है.........

I agree whith you that map making is a bit difficult but then you could also take apart a map make a little changes in it an then recompile it again !!
Like dicks from docks and ut4_walljumps from walljumps.
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