Upgrading or changing motherboard

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Upgrading or changing motherboard + reinstall XP

I will be Upgrading or changing motherboard within a month......I have some queries regarding the same

i have Win xp with SP 2 installed current mother board is INtel 865 GBF

1.can any one suggest me which motherboard shud i buy & shud i stick wth intel or go for AMD ????

2. will i have to reinstall XP once i change my motherboard ???? is there any alternative for reinstallation

kindly advice ....... guru's
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Lets Do It!
No you dont need to reinstall XP
As far as motherboard is concerned you can stick to Intel if you would not like to overclock
Mention your requirements also
Well there are other good mobos from ASUS and MSI too.


.........Access Denied!!!
No you dont need to reinstall XP
As far as motherboard is concerned you can stick to Intel if you would not like to overclock
Mention your requirements also
Well there are other good mobos from ASUS and MSI too.

i m not intrested in overcloking .......i m intrested in stalble and good motherboard let that be from any manufacturer ...

and r u sure ...that if chaged motherboard thn i wudnt have to install XP "again"


In the zone
And why you are so afraid of it?
You can get one win XP cd with SP2 in built... (it is compiled one i mean) ..It will not take more than half an hour...

Also if you don't need to do it, you should do it from scratch for better performance...



Super Moderator
Staff member
If u change mobo then u have to reinstall xp. There's no alternative.
Nope....You'll not have to reinstall XP.

My BIOS had got corrupted due to wrong update. So, I thought of buying a new motherboard with 5 PCI slots. I didn't have to reinstall Windows XP. But I had install some new hardware drivers.


1. Intel 865 is a good MB .... I'm using it from last 3 yrs.... no probs found till now.. i have upgraded the RAM (512x4 DDR) and SMPS (500W).. gives the performance (2.8HT) better than new DC processors [just comparing with me neighbor]... but now a days, technology has changed and we are bound to change our config.

2. If you like to stick with in Intel .. go for D5400XS or D975XBX2 (extreme series) with Core 2 Duo or Quad to being a future ready..... sorry for AMD as don't have any idea.

3. you don't have to reinstall XP as its ready for Plug & Play. But yes.. you have to re-install all drivers [mobo] and few of applications.
1st. In Most of the cases , u will need to Re-Install the OS.
2nd. U will need to change ur processor too, if u upgrade ur board.
No new board supports mPGA478B processors.
New ones are for Pinless proc which wont fit in 865GBF.

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