Unable to Uninstall

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I have installed Cricket 07 long ago and dunno y but its Getting Struck in the Middle (though thats not the problem) the problem is i want to uninstall the game but Uninstall.exe is missing and i copied the uninstall.exe from the original DVD (source) but nothing is happening when i open it
Plz help guys iam a Die hard lover of cricket 07 and i want to re-install it how shud i do it ?


Gracias Senor
u can use any of the uninstaller like ccleaner or tuneup
if nothing works, install cric on top of the old install. It should work.


I am the master of my Fate.
the problem is i want to uninstall the game but Uninstall.exe is missing and i copied the uninstall.exe from the original DVD (source) but nothing is happening when i open it
i want to re-install it how shud i do it ?

u 1st want to uninstall :
1) Install Revo Installer
2) Then there is one mode 'Hunter Mode' in it.Just Click on it.
3) Drag & drop the .exe file on th hunter mode icon...
4) Problem Solved...

if the above solution doesnt work then manually delete the folders of the game & after that delete the installation path in Registry...(errr i forgot the exact path u can google 4 dat :blink:)


ok revo uninstaller is also not able to uninstall Cricket so shud i manually delete all the files and registry ?
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