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Ambassador of Buzz
i have ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger installed. Some problems that i face are :-

1.) i cannot install opera. the message is that libqt-mt is missing. i tried to install it using synaptic but it gave an error that it cannot be installed.

2.)i could not install XMMS because of the same reason. though i installed BMP in place of that,

pls help.


are u using apt-get command or are u manually installing ?

i think u should install the dependency first in this case which is libqt-mt..........


left this forum longback
you will need openmotif and qt-libs for installing opera browser,afaik xmms has nothing to do with qtlibs.
for opera,u can try d/ling libqt-mt from


left this forum longback
you should not search that word by word-the library is libqt3-mt
"apt-get install libqt3-mt" will solve your prob.
for manual:
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