ubuntu not showing up in normal mode

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saurabh kakkar

D i s t i n c t l y Ahead
i have ubuntu 7.04 on my sys now the problem is that when i boot into its default
mode "ubuntu" after ubuntu boot screen nothing comes up total blank screen
earlier it use to work perfectly
as of result of this problem i have to boot into recovery mode from which i m able to work on Gui
whats the problem plz suggest


is NOT a PC/Mac
When the Ubuntu picture appears with a orange moving bar, press Alt + F2 to see the diagonistic messages and then post what error is happenning ?:D


While working in Recovery Mode, check /etc/usplash.conf file and see if the resolution is set properly. Paste its content here.


i have a suggestion..*gigasmilies.googlepages.com/yes.gif don't know if it will solve ur problem or not..
edit the boot menu by pressing 'e'
no go to the line kernel and press 'e'...
go to the end of the line and delete splash silent or something after ro or rw..
press esc and press 'b' to test..

if this works the u have to edit the /boot/menu.lst file...
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