First try by installing
ntfs-config through Synaptic. Assign mount points like c or d or e, and click apply; they should appear as drives on your desktop. If you are still not able to access your partitions read on.............
Look when you double click on the volume if it doesn't mount it means that you did not unmount the windows partitions cleanly the last time. Maybe because of a power failure?
Now there are two solutions to this problem.
Solution 1: Easy but bad, bad for the filesystem and your data
1. Press alt and f2
2. Type
gnome-terminal and press ENTER
3. Type
sudo gedit /etc/fstab and press ENTER
4. Click file->saveas, and save it as fstab_old
5. Close the editor and repeat step 3
6. Now you will see many lines, those which correspond to windows ntfs partitions will look like this
/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AABS-_WD-WMAP93914663-part7 /windows/E ntfs-3g users,gid=users,umask=0002,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
Just add the option force to the line to make it look like this
/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AABS-_WD-WMAP93914663-part7 /windows/E ntfs-3g users,gid=users,umask=0002,
force,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
Do this for each of the windows partitions.
7. Click File->save and close the editor
8. Type
sudo mount -a and press ENTER. This is the command to mount all the partitions.
Solution 2: More cubersome but the right thing to do
1. At the GRUB boot screen select Windows, Press ENTER and immediately follow it with an F8; you have to be fast here !
2. Select boot with safe mode and command prompt
3. After you get your command prompt type
chkdsk X: /F /V
where X is your drive letter, D, E, F, etc. This will repair the filesystem. Do one drive at a time, and last run for C: When you ask for chkdsk to repair C: it will tell you that it will be run on the next reboot. Reboot your system into windows
normally and allow the chkdsk to finish for C: At the end of it you will be prompted for a reboot again
4. Now boot to Ubuntu and use
ntfs-config to mount your partitions by assigning mount points like c or d or e, and try accessing them. If it still does not work try solution 1.
All the best, do get back to us with your feedback. It will be helpful for others.