Ubuntu 7.04 how to .....

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
Evil Genius
I check the sound menu, and there are all in "autodetect" mode. I tried to change to other driver bu fail.

faraaz said:
Go to photobucket.com, make an account, take a screenshot (you know how to do that atleast right?), upload it on that website, take the URL of the pic the site gives you and paste that here.

As per your method it shows only the url in the thread. On clicking the url it opens the pic on that url, But I want to know how to paste the screenshot in the thread as some other member do. Like as praka123 in my thread
page 13.
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"The Gentleman"
skghosh44 said:
vish 786

1. I have applied your below method yestarday

other method I have to try. later I will post you the result.

2. Another problem arises in my ubuntu os as under:

From yesterday there is no sound in My Ubuntu OS. There is no Startup sound as well as no sound in songs/movies etc. while playing. But the sound system is fine in Win Xp OS.
Yesterday I tried to install 1."ndiswrapper-1.47.tar.gz" 2."Bluetoot device" 3."gutenprint-5.0.1-1lsb3.11486.rpm". The pakages were installed with some error msg. I think the sound problem arises after those installation.
But the question is now how I rectify the sound problem.
I have tried the second method, but Ubuntu Distro is not there.
u can choose debain distro in second method.

did u try the " apt-get method " ??

skghosh44 said:
As per your method it shows only the url in the thread. On clicking the url it opens the pic on that url, But I want to know how to paste the screenshot in the thread as some other member do. Like as praka123 in my thread
page 13.
if u want to post the screen shot u can use

www.imagehosting.com or www.theimagehosting.com

go to this sites and upload ur images....

their is no need to register for this sites.


is the above post i hav pasted the images... in order to see them in full size click on them... it will direct u to some other site.... in that site click again on the image u will get a full view of the images. <i think u dont know how to see the images fully>
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dig_boy_dig,dig !
As per your guidence I installed my printer. When I try to print somthing it detect my printer and when I click OK to print. It dose not print anything and no any msg appeared. When I click the printer icon on the panel to see the print job. it appears as:

Now I cant understand what setting I have to do to print.
Also, Now I learned how to paste Picture in the forum. Thanks for your tips.


"The Gentleman"
skghosh44 said:
As per your guidence I installed my printer. When I try to print somthing it detect my printer and when I click OK to print. It dose not print anything and no any msg appeared. When I click the printer icon on the panel to see the print job. it appears as:

Now I cant understand what setting I have to do to print.
Also, Now I learned how to paste Picture in the forum. Thanks for your tips.

See the State " Printing job is stopped " then how can ur printer print document, hmm. Cancel all the current printing documents and restart ur system..... I really dont see any problem now in ur printing now. :razz:... documents should print easily... otherwise printer is the problem here.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
See the State " Printing job is stopped " then how can ur printer print document, hmm. Cancel all the current printing documents and restart ur system..... I really dont see any problem now in ur printing now. ... documents should print easily... otherwise printer is the problem here

I have also tried this link
As per the above link documantation again I install the printer. Now in my system shows two epson printer. Now when I wish to print document the printer status show "printing", but the printer not printing.

But the printer prints fine in Windows OS. Therefore there should not be any problem with the printer.


"The Gentleman"
first thing, why did u install the second driver when the first driver is properly detecting ur printer model....

second, u should hav uninstalled the earlier driver and then install the second one. According to me the printer driver is properly installed but u need to configure ur printer properly so try each setting and do trial and error method.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
According to me the printer driver is properly installed but u need to configure ur printer properly so try each setting and do trial and error method.
I think there is some problem in configuration. As per the installation manual of
*www.avasys.jp/english/linux_e/dl_ink.html. while i was installing the printer driver it shows some error in the terminal,
subha@ghosh:~$ ekpstm
PIPS Error: /etc/ekpdrc : The resource file is not exist.
PIPS Error: Default printer not found. Find the next printer...
PIPS Error: /etc/ekpdrc : The resource file is not exist.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Now how to solve this problem
I pasted here to screen shot after installing avyas printer driver. But I cannot print.




dig_boy_dig,dig !
Today when I started Ubuntu, it starts fine. When I tried to open any application in ubuntu, its open and hangs up. No any respose come out. If try to close the application, after a few mnts. It displays msg "Aplication not resposding". If I click "force quit", the application quits alongwith other icons/top pannel/bottom pannel also vanishes from the desktop. Then I have no alternative to pressing "Ctrl+alt+backspace" to restart.
I could not understand what's the problem is. I seek help from the forum member.


"The Gentleman"
do u hav beryl or compizfusion installed ? if yes, they change the theme manager to metacity. then may b it should work.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
vish786 said:
do u hav beryl or compizfusion installed ? if yes, they change the theme manager to metacity. then may b it should work.
I think these are not installed. If it is by default installed I dont know.
However I have installed Simdock and some desktop settings I changed to look like Windows. But after doimg that my system was fine. But from 22/08/2007 it is creating problem. Some times during booting where I have select user and PW, that screen do not appear instead a black screen appear with out any msg. Than I have no alternative except "Ctrl+Alt+del".
If I start session as "X client script" sometimes it works some times not.
Is there any way to repair the installation ?


dig_boy_dig,dig !
No there is no such problem.
During login into ubuntu there is two user option available one is say "ABC" for accessing windows "My documents " , "my music" , Outlook express configuration etc ( I think so, what is actual I dont know) which was created by ubuntu during installation taking the administrator name of Windows and the other is say "XYZ" usual user. The problem with the usual user(XYZ) login desktop. When I login as "ABC", then there is no problem. It runs fine. Recently I created another user as "Digboi" as its run fine. Now tell me can I remove the user "XYZ" where I can perform all administrative task where required Password.


"The Gentleman"
Deleting a user, In terminal
userdel <username>
for deleting user along with home directory.
userdel -r <username>
for making a User with Admin Priviledge, follow this.

In terminal/Console,
sudo visudo (if ur a normal sudo user)
Login an root, then
Now a file is opened, add this line below " root ALL=(ALL) ALL"
<username> ALL=(ALL) ALL
after adding should look something like this,if user name is Vish
# Defaults

Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn

# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
after doing changes, CTRL+X, press y... now u hav admin priviledges.

for finding any help with commands,
man <command>
<command> --help
<command> --info
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dig_boy_dig,dig !
Can I do all this thing GUI as System>Administrator>User & group> Delete user. And in the same way Add user with group limit 1001. Plese reply.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Thanks vish.
Now I am login in windows. Tomorrow I will try the same in Ubuntu and if any unwanted things happen I will report it here.
thanks again.

What is the diff between root user and admin user. I wish to create a admin user in terminal window, please tell me how to do it. because my gui System>administrator>user & group>add user did not work. whenever I click to add user the application hangs up and I have to froce quit the application.
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dig_boy_dig,dig !
vish786 said:
follow what i said above.
As per your guide I add user sskk in visudo

root ALL=(ALL) ALL
sskk ALL=(ALL) ALL
Now when I login into ubuntu this user name dose not appear, hence I cannot login as admin previlige. If I create user as add user in trminal then it appears in login screen and I can login with this user with a minimal capability.

Date 03/09/2007
My problem got solved with the help of this.
But till I have to know about

System>Administrator>user & group>properties>advance> user id = 1000. Please tell me user ID = 1001 or 1000 which is most powerfull ?
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"The Gentleman"
skghosh44 said:
As per your guide I add user sskk in visudo

Now when I login into ubuntu this user name dose not appear, hence I cannot login as admin previlige. If I create user as add user in trminal then it appears in login screen and I can login with this user with a minimal capability.
u have to use sudo along with the command after doing entry in visudo.

sudo <any command>
as normal user/created user.


Destroy Erase Improve
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I have a problem with my Ubuntu installation. Whenever I try to install any software, i.e. when I run the config.sh script, I am told that gcc cannot make executables. What shall I do?
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