ubuntu 6.10 LIVE CD<-> DEAD CD

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Come get Some
hi guys
ive downloaded the ubuntu 6.10 from its site and burned the image on cd
(cd test shows all ok) but when i use the cd, after the boot logo it only shows me the cursor to move arround with the semi black background.

my pc config is pIII 1Ghz, 256 MB Ram, i815 board (a/v on board)

is there a prob with my config.


U can request for the free cds..
and u ll get printed cd's ..
the only thing is that ill take some time..
the prob u mentioned happens sometime..a similar prob happens to me
while i was using dreamlinux..


Come get Some
digitmagsubscriber said:
increase ur ram. 256mb is less ram ,at 512mb ram it will work ok.

are you sure dude ?????????
shashank4u said:
U can request for the free cds..
and u ll get printed cd's ..
the only thing is that ill take some time..
the prob u mentioned happens sometime..a similar prob happens to me
while i was using dreamlinux..

i have those cds with me (5 of them )
what i want now is to install 6.10 which is bugging me
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His RAM is sufficient enough to support ubuntu..

here is the minimum req..


Right off the assembly line

but seriously, he has ubuntu livecd, which can also install ubuntu. but first the live cd first loads the information to the ram right. and after the live cd loads then we can install.

so according to me it is a low ram issue.


Right off the assembly line
i did. min req 64mb.

but i still say it is a low ram issue cause i read it in the ubuntuforums sometime back, it was around the time when edgy was released a ubuntu user had a similar problem.members replied that 512 mb ram is a must for live cd to load correctly. I am searching ubuntuforums and if i find the link i will post it.


i could not find that topic on ubuntuforums.
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so according to u ..he cannot use ubuntu live and install cd as
a live cd..but he can install ubuntu from that cd..right..:D

ya post the link it ll be gr8 help the owner of this thread.


Right off the assembly line
shashank4u said:
so according to u ..he cannot use ubuntu live and install cd as
a live cd..but he can install ubuntu from that cd..right..:D

How can he use the livecd to install when the cd itself is not loading????????:confused:

i never said that. either ur confused or ur trying to confuse me by putting words in my mouth.

to load a live cd u need at least 512 mb ram. so take it for what its worth.

shashank4u said:
ya post the link it ll be gr8 help the owner of this thread.

i searched. i could not find the link.


Cyborg Agent
i don't think it's a ram issue.

try giving the boot parameters xmodule=vesa.

Also try passing the actual horizontal and vertical sync values (can be obtained from monitor manual) as follows.

hsync=xx vsync=xx


Come get Some
desertwind said:
i don't think it's a ram issue.

try giving the boot parameters xmodule=vesa.

Also try passing the actual horizontal and vertical sync values (can be obtained from monitor manual) as follows.

hsync=xx vsync=xx

thankx there, will try after reaching home
shashank4u said:
use 512 mb of Ram and then report ...

i don have extra 256 MB of ram, well its another thing if you became a kind heart and gift me one
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