Ubuntu 6.06 + xp

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i have downloaded Ubuntu 6.06 alternate CD form link provided here in one of the post. as there was somebody suggesting that live cd download have some problems during installation. now here are my problems:
1. i am having win xp at c: drive. i installed ubuntu in OEM mode , it resized D: drive and installation was complete. during installation it did not asked for username, it asked for password only. but during login it is asking username / password. i dont know username so i am not able to login. i have tried root, ubuntu, oem as username, nothing works. after formatting hard disk, intalled xp and then installed ubuntu again. but again same problem. this time i read carefully all the screens for any username displayed. but not found any.
2. i installed xp again. and then ubuntu in TEXT mode. now it asked for username/ password. but after installation it does not boot. there was some messege like no Operating system (i forgot the messege but it was related to boot loader). i booted from win98 startup disk and run fdisk. here disk d:\ was made active, i changed to c:\ now it is booting directly to xp.

so in both the above methods i am not able to run ubuntu. i want to make system dual boot
xp on C:
ubuntu on D:
some data space on E:

PS: i was able to run ubuntu earlier from the same CD, but XP was not working it was having error -NTLDR missing, so i reinstalled Xp and now facing above problems. after reinstallation i am not able to run ubuntu
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In the zone
see, first of all, this "C:" and "D:" is all applicable only in Windows...

it is rather said to be hdxy
where x can be a-d depending on whether ur hard disk is:
a - primary master
b - primary slave
c - secondary master
d - secondary slave

and y is the number of partitions...
in case u find all this as greek, then u get some good partition managers (like ranish which is free) , then do the partitions accordingly...

Let ur first partition - hdx1 be a "swap" which is supposed to be double the capacity of ur RAM...
Let ur next partition - hdx2 be ext3 filesystem partition which is actually something like FAT32 and NTFS - windows for linux...
Let ur third partition - hdx3 be NTFS or FAT32
and finally let ur 4th be an extended partition which can be further repartioned under windows...


will reply if u can clarify more, and say whether u understood or not...


downloaded partiotion manager 2.37, but i dont have any floppydrive on my laptop - cannot use it.

i can understand above post. can i make above partiotions from Win98 Boot CD by running fdisk. i have presently partiotioned this way my 40GB hard disk in 2 partitions (20% and 80%)i have installed winXP pro on C: (20%). D: is empty.
last time i have tried installing ubuntu on this configration. but could not boot after installation - it shows some eror like "no operting system". then i used fdisk again and observed that C: is no more active partiotion. i changed C: to make active. so now i was booting directly to XP - no options for ubuntu. as i was not able to run ubuntu either way, for saving harddisk space now i have deleted partions made by ubuntu from control panel>> administrative tools>> computer management>> disk management


In the zone
ok listen, if u r ready for a full re-partition, then just do this...

I) Partitioning Hard Disc
--> Boot into Ubuntu CD, then directly go to the partition option (just scroll down during install)
--> Partition the hard disc as follows
partition - type - space
hdx1 - swap - (RAM * 2)
hdx2 - ext3 - 10Gb (more than enough for Ubuntu)
hdx3 - FAT32 - 15 Gb (will do enough for Windows)
rest(around 13Gb) - dont do anything...
--> Now just exit from the installation... DO NOT COMPLETE THE INSTALL... Reboot the PC

II) Installing Windows XP
--> Now just pop in the Windows XP CD, and install Windows (hdx3 will be detected by default as "C:") normally as u know...
--> Once over, reboot again (AFTER ENTIRE INSTALLATION IS OVER ONLY)

III) Installing Ubuntu
--> Boot into the Ubuntu CD, and begin install... just remember to "flag" the ext3 partition u created earlier as the "root" or "/" and then install according to their/ ur needs...
--> Just allow GRUB(boot loader) to be loaded into MBR, no issues for that... at least I never had any!!!

IV) Partitioning the remaining 13Gb
--> Boot into Windows XP, Login as Administrator or account with admin rights...
--> Open Start -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disc Management and there u can see some free space...
--> Right click on it, and "create extended partition"
--> Again, right click and "create logical partition" and create the new partitions u want and then name them(drive number) with the alphabets that u want...
My disk partitioned looks like this... U can notice a green rectangle around the extended partition/logical drives...

And after all this, voila u r ready with a rock-n-rolling XP-Ubuntu dual boot PC!!!

Hey, and be free to ask any more questions about the methods I have mentioned above... will try to reply ASAP, or will be answered by someone else!!!



thanks for your replies, but my problem was already solved. i think problem was during installation my screen goes black but hard disk still rotating. earlier i was pressing shut down button here.
now i waited for 10minutes for hard disk to stop. screen was black with 2 white dots. after 10 minutes cd tray was opened automatically, i think it was the sign for complete installation. i put the tray back in and restarted the system. now there was option for xp and ubuntu. i was able to boot into both.
now i am having
24GB- common data area accessible from both OS


18 Till I Die............
@sariq if the 24GB area is not yet used much, then reformat it into smaller partitions of like about 8-10GB so in case one partition ever has problems you won't loose all the data just the data on the partition.


24GB unpartition space is not accessible from places>>my computer . error is unable to mount the drive. how can i write into that disk from linux


Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4864 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 * 1 973 7815591 b W95 FAT32
/dev/hda2 974 3935 23792265 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda3 3936 4864 7462192+ 83 Linux
/dev/hda5 974 3891 23438803+ b W95 FAT32
/dev/hda6 3892 3935 353398+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris


18 Till I Die............
Do the following
Open the terminal
sudo nano -w /etc/fstab
Now in the file that is opened add the following line
/dev/hda5 /media/shared vfat defualts 0 0
Then give the following commands
sudo mkdir /media/shared
sudo mount -a
Similarly for the other partition replace hda6 by hda1 in fstab and make another directory in /media with whatever name you like and mount it there


done, now there is a shared folder on desktop. but cant write/detete on it. working in - read only access


18 Till I Die............
OK edit this line
/dev/hda5 /media/shared vfat defualts 0 0
/dev/hda5 /media/shared vfat auto,rw,umask=000 0 0
Then save the file and give the following command
sudo mount -a


still read only.
in right click>>permissions tab : you are not the owner, so you cant change the permissions


In the zone
hey, did u do what I told in "Partitioning the remaining" above in my earlier post?

or else, u cant mount it in the first place!!!


Google Bot
hey sariq even i hv d same instaltn prob..but aftr the 2 dots come it stays like that till abt 2-3 hrs.. Then i shut it down.. Ne ideas


18 Till I Die............
pathiks said:
hey sariq even i hv d same instaltn prob..but aftr the 2 dots come it stays like that till abt 2-3 hrs.. Then i shut it down.. Ne ideas
Pathiks do you mean the computer boots up but stops when starting the Xserver(GUI)?


always during installation in the last stage when progress bar goes upto 60% then display goes black with 2 white dots (square). hard disk still revolving. i waited for 10-15 minutes after that cd was ejected itself. some bug, it happens in both - OEM and TEXT mode installation.

and regarding 2nd read only problem, it was solved when i powered my computer now. may be changes need restart.


Google Bot
nope tyf... It doesnt even finish instaltn.. After abt 60% during d packages instltn... I jus shows 2 white dots nd remains like that 4 3 hrs... Then i switchoé nd restart nd it boots directly in xp cos bootloader of ubuntu isnt installed


18 Till I Die............
Do you have a grpahics card specially from ATI? If yes, have you tried without the graphics card?
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