Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!


Right off the assembly line
^^ well now in that case there is no way out !!!
You must Reflash FS and Main again !!

Or try to remove the patches that you applied !

I've reflashed FS and Main and the phone comes back to life. However, I still got the same result for the 2nd time I tried to apply the patch. What can I do now to get the unlock patch work?


Right off the assembly line
I've reflashed FS and Main and the phone comes back to life. However, I still got the same result for the 2nd time I tried to apply the patch. What can I do now to get the unlock patch work?

Someone told me that it might be because I used a *.bin file instead of *.mbn file for the patch. Is there anyway to get around this as my MAIN file is in *.bin extension?


jmoncayo .. yes phone works with any sim

.bin ?? how come .. the files in hgetis are all .mbn !! it matter not much . . because content of the file matters with setool 2 lite .. only .mbn matter for XS++

so you say you are not able to patch phone properly ??

Retrace your steps ! thing's cant go wrong !!!!

hey can you tell me what's our firmware ?? TAIWAN ?? which language ?? i dint knew TAIWAN has a separate main like china honkkong


guys my website is up and running !!
Its got many updated tutorials !! you can check it out !! will be adding many more tutorials soon !!

now lets start off with patching w610i !!
first go through the tutorials !! amxcs has already posted one !
you can also go through the tutorial at my website .. its much more detailed and explained .. all actions have been explained and phone safety has been take care of as always .. and have tried my best to remove ambiguity from it .. the video tutorials are provided .. also pictures have been provided !! !!

follow the patching tutorial here !!!!!

Also its important that you know how to extract a firmware !! learn it here !!

Lets take up a patch now !!!

the one provided by amxcs !!
;W610 SW-R6BC002
;Замена папки desktop
;/tpa/preset/system/desktop -> /usb/other/flash
;(c) Joker XT
70B4A8: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F00730079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F0070 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C0061007300680000000000000000000000000000000000000000
70B4E0: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F00730079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F0070002F0066006C006100730068 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C006100730068002F0066006C0061007300680000000000000000000000000000000000000000
9BA590: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F00730079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F0070002F0066006C006100730068 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C006100730068002F0066006C0061007300680000000000000000000000000000000000000000
9BA72C: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F00730079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F0070002F0066006C006100730068 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C006100730068002F0066006C0061007300680000000000000000000000000000000000000000
A6236C: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F00730079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F0070002F0066006C006100730068 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C006100730068002F0066006C0061007300680000000000000000000000000000000000000000

ok to apply this patch .. first extract the FS .. get the contents of Desktop folder and copy them to create a folder called "flash" in the "Other" folder in your phone ! copy the contents of Desktop folder from the extracted FS on your hard disk to phone memory using file transfer mode ! you must create the flash folder in other folder using file manager in when phone is on !

next time on to install flash menus just copy the swf files to the flash folder !! and bingo !! no need to use XS++

this is very nice patch ! it replaces create drv/acc in other folder in memory and place acoustics in acc folder !! you can place any acoustics in acc folder and to change acoustics .. just copy off other acoustics in this folder ! simple !! this is how all patches that place the directories outside FS are applied !!

of course before applying the patch .. create the folders and place acoustics and then apply patch !!
;W610 SW-R6BC002
;Перенос папки acoustic
;ifs/settings/acoustic -> usb/other/drv/acc
;(C) Joker XT
;(p) polza
17ECED0: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F00610063006F00750073007400690063 7500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F006400720076002F0061006300630000000000000000
17ECEFE: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F00610063006F00750073007400690063 7500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F006400720076002F0061006300630000000000000000
18652F6: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F00610063006F00750073007400690063 7500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F006400720076002F0061006300630000000000000000

Lots of Patches here !! for W610 SW-R6BC002 EnglishRussian

For those on R8BA024 Russian English
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Right off the assembly line
OK - I solved my problem and got the phone unlocked now.

1) The SETool2lite can handle *.bin or *.mbn file, not a problem.
2) Generate your own *.vpk file using the "SIM-Lock patch generator v1.5"
Down it here *simox.5gbfree.com/site/download.php?view.7

I had the problem because I used the vpk code from the previous post, and not the one generated by the SIM-lock patch generator. Obviously, MAIN file from different regions seems to yield different code in the vpk file.



oh i thought you were using correct patch !!
Simox patcher was posted here also ;) you missed it

yes as setool 2 lite does not see file extension .. it sees only file content.. so bin and mbn is ok ! happy patching !! now apply all other patches and hv fun !


here is a patch that i ported !! i ported from R6BC002 to R8BA024 !!

i get lots of calls from airtel . this will help me a lot !! LOL ..

;W610 R8BA024
;Белый список (Настройки-Вызовы-Упр.вызовами-Прием вызовов-Из списка), становится черным
;turn whitelist to blacklist
;(?) the_laser
;(p) akshay
11B3C32: BF41 FF43

the R6BC006 version is here

;W610 R6BC002
;Белый список (Настройки-Вызовы-Упр.вызовами-Прием вызовов-Из списка), становится черным
;turn whitelist to blacklist
;(с) the_laser
;(p) Virusmater
11AE562: BF41 FF43

I wanted to write a tutorial on porting of patches !! but my friend depeha has already done it .. and more over russians are fast they come up with patches soon .. port them very quickly from phone to phone !!

you guys can follow depeha tutorial if you are interested !!! !!

CID 51 Users if you wanted a patch .. then check out the patches for R6BC002 and note it down we will port it to CID51 !
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well .. sorry to say !! i think mostly we can't have such a patch !!
keep your fingers crossed .. who knows !!! but after researching into it .. i am find it its going to be tough .. after studying many patches !



see that.. you must get an FS with chinese t9
which place you from
is that Chinese thing that important ??


Broken In

i'm from malaysia. its not that important, but before i flashed to w610, my k550 can type chinese when composing message. i checked and it was APAC.
but when i flashed to w610(APAC)i get all these - English - Indonesian - Malay - Philippine-Tagalog - Vietnamese - Chinese

the difference between before and now is i get indonesian and malay t9 but i cant type chinese at all. i can only view chinese on my phone.
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