Turbo On Keybord Keys

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Right off the assembly line
hi in lots of games i need to tap a key several times ..:mad::mad: if there a software
which can help me put turbo on ne keybord key ???


Legen-wait for it-dary!
^^ +1 AutoHotKey is one of the best. Other choices include AutoIt and Macro Express. If you use a joypad, JoyToKey helps a lot, I use JTK and AHK myself.


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Read the product documentation. If you expect us to write a complete tutorial for AHK, sorry.

Oh wait, you just want to tap keys.. fine.

I'll just give you the necessary functions. Read those up.
first WinActivate. activate the game window.
next SendInput. that sends the keys. If it doesnt work use Send.
next Sleep. that pauses in between keystrokes.

Put the above inside a Loop for the no. of keypresses to simulate. And put the loop inside a function. Next use Hotkey to assign the function to some hotkey. eg: press space repetitively for 30 times when you press F1 or something.

I'm making sure im not spoonfeeding. Read those up and do it yourself. If your code doesnt work, post it here.
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