transfer e-mails

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I want to transfer mails from my yahoo account to my gmail account. Do i have to open each and evey mail and then forward it or is there any way to transfer all the mails at one go without opening them????


if u hav mails from groups, i mean if u r associated with yahoo groups or so, u can direct the mails from there to gmail or hotmail.. thats all i know. u can choose the "primary id" to be any a/c gmail or watever.



Cyborg Agent
I haven't explored yahoo much, but I can't find such an option. But you can use pop to download all mails and then forward them to gmail. Or, if you want to forward only future mails, you can setup forwarding.


i dont think yahoo offers bulk forwarding for FREE users.
i think u can use Outlook n YPOPS to download the mails form Yahoo Inbox and then fwd them to ur gmail ID.
if there are lota mails in ur YAHOO inbox then u will need a fast connection.


i tried using ypops and outlook but outlook gives an error msg saying the yahoo server has rejected your login
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