Top 3 Best Sounding Mp3 Players

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Broken In
ok i am readying a team of engineers to build you the best MP3 Player in the universe..
so when we can i get the advance payments ??????? so that i can poach engineers from creative and apple and others and get down to work...!! ;) :D :cool: :smile: ! hv fun !!!

Do you want me to become a bankrupt like LEHMAN BROTHERS:D


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^ FYI, Creative Zen is in the most clean sounding players that are available in the market right now. And it was not tested by freaks using headphones.
The test was done by connecting Audio Precision ATS-2 Audio Analyzer to the headphone output jack to reveal details such as the MP3 player's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), total harmonic distortion (THD+N), frequency response deviation, maximum power output, and stereo crosstalk.


@sam I beg to differ, Even with a pair of senn PX100's, my Ipod 30 gig is blurry and distorted at times. Near full volume the sound starts to crack.Though this could also be cause my Ipod is like 5th-hand(My mum's boss, my mum, my dad, my sis and now me) and very old
My top 3 would be
1. Cowon
2. Iriver
3. Sony


Bond, Desi Bond!
Do you think people sitting at Apple are dumb and would'nt have tested, the product with the technical gibrish you present... sounding as if only you know the meaning plus would'nt have they bothered to compare the product on the same scale as well.....???

Ultimately it boils down to the end user consumer and how most of the people percieve the sound, which is why iPod has the max market share.....

hmm. The posts in this forum show how much quality Apples new ipods have.

There is a little bit of truth that you should know about the ipod's market share.

majority of ipod sales are in USA.

Take this scenario:

1) You bought ipod in the year 2003.
2) You buy music online at iTMS due to the 99c price tag and due to the ipod-itunes ecosystem.
3) By end of 2 years, you have bought 500 songs, 50 movies, 10 tv shows.
These will not work in any other player and hence you have to stick to ipod until you feel that those songs are no longer necessary.
4) So, now since you have huge locked content playable only on ipod, naturally you will stick to ipod though you know that there are better players available from other brands.

you are asking karmanya to get new get ipod???? Why don't you get new gen players from Creative or Sony or Cowon and know what music quality is!!!

Do you think people sitting at Apple are dumb and would'nt have tested, the product with the technical gibrish you present... sounding as if only you know the meaning plus would'nt have they bothered to compare the product on the same scale as well.....???

After finding the loss in audio quality in recent ipods, after looking at feature less iphones prices 3times it's worthy price, after looking at grossly overpriced mac's, yes I do think that people sitting at Apple are dumb enough, never listens to public, don't bother to compare the product with other products.

PS: This topic is about best sounding mp3 players and not about ipods and Iball's :)
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Techtree Reviewer
Oh trust me on this, iPod's market share has nothing to do with it's sound quality. Most people only buy iPods because it is perceived to be cool to own one, or because their friends have it or because they just don't know that there is better stuff out there. Most of these people don't know what Apple is or ever heard about them. For them iPod = mp3 player.

Truth is that nearly every major company has surpassed Apple in terms out audio quality, whether it is the Cowon, Sony, iRiver or Creative. Also Apple seems to be least bothered about the sound quality of it's players. Their only criteria while creating the next generation iPod is how much more slim they can make it and how much more they can make people spend on the iTunes store (the new Genius feature is a fine example of that). Most of the times a newer generation has only marginally improved audio quality. Sometimes there is no improvement at all. If they cared so much about audio quality they would've atleast provided a proper manual equalizer to adjust the sound to ones choice.

I'm not saying that iPod's sound bad. They sound pretty decent. But if you think that they sound better than Creative or any other manufacturer, then you are very much mistaken. No matter which headphone you add, an iPod cannot beat a Creative player. Sony and Cowon are in a much different league altogether.


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^^Ejjactly. Recently one of my friends said that he bought a new ipod and when I saw it, I was dumbstruck.


Thats' the knowledge of most people here about mp3 players.

PS: He is more than happy to have Zen (he recently saw how ipod nano 'fatty' is) instead of ipod but rues why he didn't get this: * :)
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which is why iPod has the max market share.....

If you genuinely think SQ is the reason the iPod is dominating the market, then I'm sorry to say you are wrong. Note here that I am not saying that you can't distinguish good SQ from bad SQ, because I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, I am just going to iterate some reasons as to why the iPod is what it is.

First off, is of course, the ease of use. What with iTunes, a no-brainer interface, and a lack of complicated features the iPods are simple enough to be used by blindfolded monkeys. Most people want nothing but this, a no-nonsense DAP that plays music and maybe some other stuff.

Secondly (as already mentioned) is the DRM factor.

However, most importantly, is the one-man marketing army that is Steve Jobs. The man is as pristine an example you will find of undiluted Genius. He converted what would have been just another DAP into something that attained a cult status. Haven't you ever thought of it? Everything but the iPod is "just another MP3 player" even though they are the freaking same thing.

And here's some news, a very painfully large percentile of the mango masses care a damn about SQ. They equate SQ to loudness and bass. Start throwing in terms like tonal balance, neutrality, sound signature and they will just gape at you. How many times have you seen people walking around in public with those white iAmCrapBuds dangling from their ears, and how many times have you seen other people staring at them like the iFollowers are Greek Gods? Something along the lines of a BeyerDynamic would go completely un-noticed, whereas the iBuds, no Sir!

Its just that part of the population that will look at the iBudWearer and gently chuckle , saying "what an idiot!" that care about SQ, and will not buy an iPod, unless something is done about it.


Bond, Desi Bond!
Even if you take the total world market share and divide it by 3 and assume the fact that only a third of total listeners had the sense of proper music quality and actually bought iPod because of its SQ (rest just bought for its appeal factor and status symbol) would still land more than the total vol of any other competative MP3 brand...........I rest my case.

LOLZ. we are discussing top 3 based on music quality and you are thinking that ipod is the best just coz it has market share.

Simple I DO NOT have any 5th hand outdated old Creative or Sony or Cowon otherwise I would have tried the same......

which means that you have no idea about the music quality of other players and hence we have no reason to listen to what you say.

So I assume that the maximum percentage of public is dumb as well coz dispite of your facts stated above Apple still holds the max market share .... and for a considerate period of time as well.......

Yep. Pretty much and you are one of them. saying that ipod has best quality just coz it has market share. how dumb!!!

Oh really I guess for you iPod is a gaming console then............

Oh. you got it that way?? how sad!!!

Simple I DO NOT have any 5th hand outdated old Creative or Sony or Cowon otherwise I would have tried the same......

no worries mate. even a 10th hand outdated old creative or sony or cowon player will kick ipods ass with ease.

I really find
strange people actually believing ZEN sounds better.........

Told ya. Try out the zenvision series or Zen players. Told you that you have to use them to know the quality. Unfortunately, you are not in a position to try out and seriously, even if you try out, you are so much blinded by ipod mania that you won't be able to accept the better audio quality of these players.

I know I am not that amateur that I fall in the league of "mango masses" but there are people who would contradict the fact simply beacuse they feel that to oppose and to be against the iSyndrome phenomenon they somehow fall in that "elite" catagory where in only super audiophiles survive......who actually have the only true potential to scrutnize audio to that level that they can even reject an iPod............

The first three paras of your post clearly shows that you fall in that league.

Please stay off while we discuss about the music quality of top players.

In that whole post of yours, you nowhere mentioned that ipod has better quality but went on saying about market share and yo factor. There itself I see that you are actually fighting for ipod just because you have one and not because you feel that it has competitive music quality. How pathetic!!!!.

I udnerstand your feelings. The best place to find people to listen to your useless talk is "*"

Go there and Holi manao :)
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^^ Why the hell should I listen to someone who relies on ilounge (pure made-for-apple) to say that ipods are as good as the top players.

Are you getting paid by ilounge??

Go to ilounge to shout "apple, apple, apple".

You never ever heard anything on non-ipods and you come here commenting on others comments.
I udnerstand your feelings. The best place to find people to listen to your useless talk is "*"

Go there and Holi manao :)

who are you to say this?u have no rights to say this.just because if someone likes apple and praises ipod you start attacking on him and suggests him to ilounge.

for you information i have tested many players including cowon,sony and creative
i am not apple fanboy i have already said D2 is the best sounding mp3 player so far i have ever heard

even though i lounge pure made-for-apple they are not paid by apple.they have critisized few ipods in their reviews for bad SQ(eg ipod touch 1g).I find their reviews fairly accurate.This time Apple have singnificatly imporoved SQ of new ipods as per their reviews

^^ Why the hell should I listen to someone who relies on ilounge (pure made-for-apple) to say that ipods are as good as the top players.
atleast you can agree that many people at head-fi have knowledge what really good SQ is.
visit *
this thread is dedicated only to discus SQ of new ipods.It has 200+ posts and each everyone agrees that new ipod have way better SQ compared to old generation.

But i know you still gonna say that ipod SQ is pathetic,it sucks so just wait till october 1st week when new ipod hits indian market


i was reading old issues Digit magazine.In march 2008 they reviewed 46 mp3 players including Cowon D2,Creative etc."Pathetically sounding" Ipod were the best in each and every SQ test.Scores of ipod in SQ were the highest.(note:with equalizer off)


Bond, Desi Bond!
@ sam and sam, LOLZ. well, enjoy.

looking at the majority of posts, it clearly shows that Cowon, Sony and iriver are top 3 brands in making best sounding music players.

@sam and sam, after reading your previous posts, I think you are saying this:

BOO HOO WAA. Why are these guys listening when we say ipod is the best (of course, we haven't tried any thing else but that doesn't matter)

Ipod has best SQ coz

1) it is thin
2) it has click wheel
3) it works with itunes that is so much buggy that it has the capability to hang any PC.
4) it has wow factor
5) it has 76% market share

BOO HOO WAA. Why aren't anyone listening



Techtree Reviewer
Man everyone is going ape sh¡t here over some music players. Chill out guys. This ain't fight club.


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^hehe. anyways, was a great fight :)

you two, read

Book : 3 mistakes of my life
Author: Chetan Bhagat
Page: 71


^^hehe. anyways, was a great fight :)

you two, read

Book : 3 mistakes of my life
Author: Chetan Bhagat
Page: 71
lol.looks like strategic exit from your own unsuccessful "ipod sucks" mission :D

yes it was great "fight",i enjoyed it.i hope there will be few more!:cool:

btw i dont have that book :(
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