to all web developers and/or OOP programmers

Which language do prefer for oop ?

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FooBar Guy
I'll go for C++ since you haven't mentioned C anywhere... well nowadays the project at my workplace involves me to write modules in python. And i must tell you its much better than c++/java (haven't tried c#).

One feaure: There is no limit to the length/size of variables... so you can have an integer variable which when printed, gives out 10 pages full of integers.


i mentioned language for oop, and i heard that c is not preferred by oop programmers. c is also my favourite language(probably as its the only one i can say i KNOW:)).but what exactly is python?i have heard about it, but i dont know about it. GNU, can u plz clarify on this for me? i mean, is it a scripting language like perl, or a separate programming language like php, or something of both, or something entirely different?


FooBar Guy
technomodel said:
GNU, can u plz clarify on this for me? i mean, is it a scripting language like perl, or a separate programming language like php, or something of both, or something entirely different?

Python [ ] is a general purpose programming language which has features from almost all programming languages which are famous now or were famous earlier...

1) It is interpreted language. Due to this it is extremely portable across platforms... And believe me, its code portability is much more than even the humble java.

2) One reason for creating java language was to enable programmers to write bug free programs in less amount of time and reduce the debugging cycle... For this reason, java does not have any concept of pointers . Borrowing upon the success of this python too doesn't have pointers.

3) As such python can be used to rapidly develop console apps. But using GUI building toolkits [tcl/tk] extensions one can even create a user interface in python.

4) Heard about GIMP . Like photoshop, it too has filters/plugins... those plugins are written in python.

5) And yes, Python is Object Oriented.

6) Just like Apache, there is another popular web application server called Zope . Its modules are written in Python. And it can be used as a web application development language in Zope web server.

7) There are no experienced Python programmers in india. Google has hired all the python programmers around. (except me).

8) ANd yes, there is a python for java also. Called Jython.

More extensive discussions on this can be carried out some time later.... that is if you are interested in it......


Version 2.0

As topic says Web Developers also, you should have inluced some web dev languages also :D

PHP is missing in the option..

I will always go for PHP for web dev..


GNUrag, i am very much interested in python. to be frank, i started this thread as i felt that it is not sufficient to know only c. correct me if i am wrong, i feel that in todays scenerio, oop has an upper hand, a pracrice absolutely absent in c.(by the way, what EXACTLY is oop?) so i wanted to know which language would be most useful to learn.hunting the net for a few days had left me with two choices, java or c++. but i need all ur opinions.what is popular may not be the best. so it would be best if you could give me a comparative study.


c is wat i used to like, java is wat i loved to write in and now C# is the new demi-god for me, every time , there is somethng new to learn

Also for the oops.

well oops stands for " OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING"

When u write programs, u may distribute ur work to diff programmers for diff modules of the program, however when u do this, eahc programmer needs to keep track of how the other is faring and thus confidentiality is compromised ( becos everyone knows wat other does, and this is bad practice while developing programs)

also c++ is a good start for oops programmers ( beginners)
although i would suggest c# BECOS ITS MORE SIMPLE AND MORE POWERFUL THAN C++

Hence to overcome this problem an many maore like such.. the OOPS"S paradigm( principal ) was developed

With the aid of oops oriented languages, the programmers get a flexibility, each one can now develop their modules in their own way and still combine them to make one whole program

oops helps divide a programs into separate " live "objects, each can be developed by diff person , such "live " objects can communicate with each other through functions , but they will not share their varaibles and other data, u can set diff levels of comm, public, private, protected,etc

OOPS IS based on 3 principles

1) data encapsulation: user is shown only wat he needs to be shown
2) inheritance : u can inherit the behaviour of a program in other
3) polymorphism : u can make use of same code with some changes( mainly additions or some omissions) for diff purposes


In the zone
OOP is Object Oriented Programming.

It allows us to combine data and the functions that operate on that data into a single unit called object.

hence, it simplifies the writing and debugging the source code of the program.


FooBar Guy
I guess you got your answers.... Regarding learning an Object oriented language... you would like to go in for Java... However i prefer Python to java for creating desktop applications... See, both are interpreted languages, but python is more platform independent... and most importantly, Python is under GPL... so its essentially a Free Software... free to copy and modify... whereas Java is proprietery... what if tomorrow Sun Microsystems is taken over by Microsoft??? My organization can't afford to take that risk....
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