c is wat i used to like, java is wat i loved to write in and now C# is the new demi-god for me, every time , there is somethng new to learn
Also for the oops.
well oops stands for " OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING"
When u write programs, u may distribute ur work to diff programmers for diff modules of the program, however when u do this, eahc programmer needs to keep track of how the other is faring and thus confidentiality is compromised ( becos everyone knows wat other does, and this is bad practice while developing programs)
also c++ is a good start for oops programmers ( beginners)
although i would suggest c# BECOS ITS MORE SIMPLE AND MORE POWERFUL THAN C++
Hence to overcome this problem an many maore like such.. the OOPS"S paradigm( principal ) was developed
With the aid of oops oriented languages, the programmers get a flexibility, each one can now develop their modules in their own way and still combine them to make one whole program
oops helps divide a programs into separate " live "objects, each can be developed by diff person , such "live " objects can communicate with each other through functions , but they will not share their varaibles and other data, u can set diff levels of comm, public, private, protected,etc
OOPS IS based on 3 principles
1) data encapsulation: user is shown only wat he needs to be shown
2) inheritance : u can inherit the behaviour of a program in other
3) polymorphism : u can make use of same code with some changes( mainly additions or some omissions) for diff purposes