ThinkDigit Site Hacked

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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Thanks guyz!
@Adi,the comment system is working. Though it gives some error on the server, I am able to receive your comments at the backend. They are visible only after moderation.


Legen-wait for it-dary!
The people who have themselves written security handbooks working on their own site... good work rohan!

If a biology professor can hack into thinkdigit, a comp.sci student can too!!!

Dheeraj Kumar: Hack! Hack! Hack! WTF??? Access Denied.
Dheeraj Kumar: BWAHAHAHA!!! Brute Force Technique!!! Noob.
Dheeraj Kumar: OMG WTF???


The Devil
Wow! Our resident hacker!
Good work.

List of articles that are going to appear in May on Digit. :D

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i wonder if they would add his blog to their blog directory :D

BTW are the links in the directory working when you click - not here :(


The Devil's Advocate
@praka: ethical hacking is appreciated by all big and small alike ... there was an announcement by MS recently wehrein they said that they would appreciate people who found bugs in their sites ;)

if rohan would've messed something and then noticed the admins chances were that some legal action could be taken (not saying they would) but only if you fcuk around else ur only doing good


99.9% Idle
IMO TDigit has to seriously give a thought on forum modding also...lot of spam bots crawling and posting crap posts throuhout the forum.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
The forum scripts must be clean installed again.
The existing scripts are outdated and there is some problem with these scripts. May be something went wrong during modding.


More than the fact that Rohan was able to do it, I appreciate the fact that he did not do anything wrong. Naturally there are people in the world who would hold the sites to ransom after doing this.

The world can really do with more people like Rohan.
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