The Ultimate Ubuntu Customization Guide!

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Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
infra_red_dude said:
^^^ folks, look above, post #45. i've already posted the simdock deb in my prev. posts. why did u ppl break ur heads compiling and then searching for debs?? :)

sorry bro, was busy since 2 days so i cudn't post much abt simdock.
Hey same no icon problem is appearing with Wbar :( what to do ?


dig_boy_dig,dig !
As per this thread I install SIMDOCK in my Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn system. But when I click Application>accessories>simdock. A icon of firefox appears in the bottom panel. All other desktop remain same. What shall I have to do to look like the desktop as posted by Shashwat Pant.


Wire muncher!
that desktop's coool shashwat! :) wbar is not very customisable. i'd say wait for a better version. i guess simdock is quite decent a dock.

did simdock install properly. now instead of launching it from the menu, goto a terminal window and type simdock. now observe what error msgs you see and let us know abt it.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
infra_red_dude said:
that desktop's coool shashwat! :) wbar is not very customisable. i'd say wait for a better version. i guess simdock is quite decent a dock.

did simdock install properly. now instead of launching it from the menu, goto a terminal window and type simdock. now observe what error msgs you see and let us know abt it.
As far as I know the installation is correct. the output of "simdock" command in terminal is here
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Wire muncher!
oh ok. i tho no icons are displayed. thats correct. firefox is the only launcher thats configured. haf a look at .Simdock/lanchers.xml. that is the only entry. you need to add more launchers to the dock.

edit: now that i'm pretty much satisfied wid the leopard look of my desktop. i'm posting the resources here so that all of you can apply it to ur desktop for satisfied osx leopard look :)

1) this is my edited gtk theme for leopard. you may try it out for the leopard look. it has full top gnome panel transparency if set. configure the buttons to be on left side as posted earlier for that closer mac os look. jus extract this file in ~/.themes or install via system>prefs>themes


2) this is the edited complementing leopard theme for emerald theme manager (beryl/compiz). u need to put it in ~/.emerald/themes or install via system>prefs>emerald theme manager. also if u are using the leopard theme then you needn't configure metacity from gconf-editor to haf buttons on the left side. the emerald theme manager does it at jus the click of a button.


3) the OsX_Mod icon set. More carefully modded to haf the mac icons for taskbar volume control, menu icons and more such stuff. extract it to ~/.icons or install via system>prefs>themes>icons. this is a big file ~8mb! if you don't like it then i haf the original OsX_Mod icons in the backup folder in the respective places in this icon set.


4) mac splash screen. for easily changing the splash screen, install the gtweakui-sessions package. here is the splash png i use:


5) this is the jaguar cursor theme. extract to ~/.icons or install from system>prefs>theme>icons


6) this plugin is for pidgin to show status icon in avant-window navigator dock. extract the .so file to ~/.purple/plugins


7) this is for laptop users. this replaces the ac charging icons. extract all the png directly to usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps, usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22apps and usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps. replace the icons there AFTER TAKING A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL ONES.

edit: see post no. 68 for the archive file to be downloaded.

8 ) if you use firefox then use this sking to make it look like safari:


so after all these mods and following this thread for other resources ur leopard desktop should now look like this. do haf a closer look and lemme kno if something needs to be worked on more. plz contribute from ur side too to make it better :)

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
infra_red_dude said:
oh ok. i tho no icons are displayed. thats correct. firefox is the only launcher thats configured. haf a look at .Simdock/lanchers.xml. that is the only entry. you need to add more launchers to the dock.

edit: this is my edited gtk theme for leopard. you may try it out for the leopard look. configure the buttons to be on left side as posted earlier for that closer mac os look.


jus extract this file in ~/.themes or install via system>prefs>themes
I cannt download your above file. Whenevr I try to download err msg comes out such as
Access-code wrong. Only free-users have to enter an access-code to prevent abuse.
Premium-users don't have to enter anything! Get your own Premium-account now. Instant download-access!
Click here to try again.


Wire muncher!
downloads fine here. u need to click on the 'free' button then scroll down and enter the code that is displayed and then u may download it.

infra_red_dude said:
7) this is for laptop users. this replaces the ac charging icons. extract all the png directly to usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps, usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22apps and usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps. replace the icons there AFTER TAKING A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL ONES.

i'm in the process of extracting the whole set of battery icons. will post it when done.
all the battery icons haf been done :) (courtsy gimp :) ) here they are. instead of using the ones posted in the above post. do the same wid the file posted here (extract to the specified location) it will replace all the battery icons for laptop users :) (be sure to take a backup of those files!!!!)

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18 Till I Die............
Why don't you put this up at some place better like or maybe google code. Or if you have enough space on your own website, you could put up something versioning system and how-to's. Thus, this can be put forth to more people.
Or maybe it can be put on my site if you'd have no problems. But, I only have about 200MB for it.


Wire muncher!
mehulved said:
Or maybe it can be put on my site if you'd have no problems. But, I only have about 200MB for it.
my pleasure :) so when are u putting it up on ur site mehul? :) 200mb?!!! whoa the whole thing will take up not more than 15mb!!! :) i think i'll put it on my blog too (gotta infuse some life to it now.. i think its already dead!! :D )


18 Till I Die............
I will prolly do it tomorrow. Maybe you can make a whole theme or something of it, along with a full customisation guide?
Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
^^ Hey I install the .deb of Wbar but icon not appearing :( Help plz :D and thanx for gconf really promising tool :)


18 Till I Die............
infra_red_dude said:
yeah i'll do it. but i need some time, mehul. stuck wid loads of work here :(
Take your time, no problems. I am thinking of putting up trac for the purpose. It will give us a version management system, a wiki and a bug tracker, where anyone can contribute and report bugs and feature suggestions.
Not sure if that will be an overkill though.


Wire muncher!
@shashwat, what icon is not appearing? wbar doesn't create any icons in the menu. you gotta run it manually. but i think its not worth using when u already haf simdock.

cool man! we can do it :) but my only worry is whether it'll be ok wid the original creators of the theme. i din see any mention of gpl. but i've edited most of the things to my wish and made it as close as leopard. if all thats ok then it'd be a great idea to put up trac :)

edit: better system tray volume icons. replace these icons in the theme downloaded from above in ~/.icons/OsX_MoD_ANi/scalable/stock


ps: mehul the trac idea is very good. i think it'll be nice. there is some improvement periodically. so we can increment the version numbers. i'm for it :)


this is the exaile avant window manager song notification plugin. extract the .py and .pyc files to ~/.exaile/plugins

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18 Till I Die............
Do you have the names of the themes and icons used by you? We can contact their devs and clarify it, if nothing can be found on the site.
I am not sure if I will be able to put up trac on my site, it seems to require such things, I am doubtful of. We also have access to another domain on Ashish's server, I will see if it can be put up there, if not on my site.


Wire muncher!
yeah i've mailed the creators of the themes. lets hope for a positive reply. the cursor theme hasn't been modded so thats not a problem. the question is raised only for the icon and the gtk theme. i found a similar gpl'd emerald theme. so we can use that :)

edit: there's an update available for awn. if u've installed awn svn in the way mentioned in this thread then jus goto synaptic package manager. search for "avant" and find the entry "avant-window-navigator-bzr" just check this for install. it'll automatically remove the svn version and install the bzr version. there haf been some bugfixes. also the leopard like 3d look has been made a menu option. so u haf a choice between the 3d look and the flat look. so no more gconf editing! plz jus like mac os leopard dock, the stack option has been added. its very useful, at least for me :)

here's a screen shot of the stack applet: *

download pidgin osx theme: *
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"The Gentleman"
thanks infra ur avant tuto was useful. ;)
here's ma Ubuntu with simple & little stuff added to desktop.

for more of my Desktop shots, visit


Wire muncher!
^^^ thats a neat desky, vish. as suggested in the other thread change the awn trash icon.

the stack applet has proved very useful for me. i can group things and access them at the click of a button. do try it.

also, i got hold of evolution awn plugin. will test it and post back :)


"The Gentleman"
ah... while readin ur tuto, i was wondering why is this guy telling separately to change recycle icon, then thought may b some prob with ur comp.... while installing themes i dint recognise the recycle icon on avant :D. now understood everything. ;)
thx for the tips.
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