The OSes and The Organisations are fooling us. Lets Wake up!

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Walking, since 2004.
oh please don't tell me. The DVD Jon guy i.e. the guy who targets itunes... even he failed to creat a virus for MAC OS X... am not talking abt classic... and gf.... i guess mac mini costed 28k... and the "1 lac" system that ur talking abt is a powermac.. and it shows the middle finger to an athlon fx-55.....

annna told that commerce guys DONT learn c++.... i was just clarifying abt that...

well i don't understand.... not even a SINGLE DAMNING VIRUS....

for your information... MAc just duznt sell in USA... it sells a lot in europe too....

well are you trying to compare Steve Jobs to Bill Gates??

Ipod, mac mini, imac and the powerbook... thats what that guy has done for us...

what has Mr. Gates done? Cheated Spyglass and got IE? or closed down 1001 companies with the power of his money?

Can Mr. Gates with all his resources and his 40k+ employees release an OS within 2 years? and that too a bug free and a master of an OS?

Look i know PC's are preferred more... thats because u can get a pc for 14k and because of all those games....

And i thot Tiger was the largest selling software on Amazon? and its on pre-order... now douznt that suffice the condition to create a virus?

Just because MAC here isn't popular... its not the case that its not popular elsewhere...

Even Itunes menaces like DVD jon failed to create a virus for OS X.... remember not MAC oS CLASSIC....

This is due to a simple fact... whenever you run anew program on a mac... u need the user password to run it... its that simple sir...


Certified Nutz
mail2and said:
sree i fail to understand that u can't read the fine print.. virex is mainly used for protecting mac fromn spreading pc viruses than for mac viruses itself.

Also all the 4 viri mentioned there are for MAc OS Classic... and NOT for os x....

also they aren't even viruses.... they are sort of dependent on other software....
hmmmm...i see that u have not read anything about the virus that i quoted for mac OSX and u carefully stepped aside from it....
and now u r changing tact here...u have been blowing the trumpet around of OSX not having a single virus...and i pointed out a virus for the same OS, and the virus was released as near as october 2004. what did i want to do? show that i won here? no man...i just wanted to tell yes, viruses are possible on a mac (but u said in conf that it was not possible, if my memory serves me right)
i provided that macosx forum site here to so that u can understand that viruses r possible on osX, even its not "that" safe

mail2and said:
anna i think you have very little knowledge of the market share... apple commands a good 5% share in the market(equal to the share of firefox in the browser market).... then tell me why isn't there even ONE main line virus????
see this about the virus that i earlier mentioned:
Symantec said:
When the virus is executed, it does the following:

1. Deletes some UNIX commands and modifies preferences for other additional commands.

2. Launches a keystroke-mapping application (if installed) called Krec, to record the keyboard entry of passwords.

3. Modifies the hostconfig file, allowing Write access to all users and SSH access from the intruder's computer.

4. Gathers hash files (mathematical strings used to represent passwords and other sensitive data) to scan for passwords for every user, compares these hash files to a dictionary file to try to generate the appropriate passwords.

5. Turns on file sharing and remote login, then puts passwords and other sensitive data into an invisible folder named .info on each user's Public folder.

6. When active, the Activity Monitor shows a process called "john" eating almost an entire processor.

7. Requires one or more of the following to install this script and to copy itself to the startup items folder:
* Admin or physical access (boot from a CD or firewire/usb, ignore permissions on the internal drive).
* Write access to either /Library/StartupItems /System/Library/StartupItems.
* Write access to any existing StartupItem (which is replaced with this script).
* Write access to the rc, crontab, or periodic files.

8. Creates the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems named "opener."

9. Runs "john" (we assume as in "the Ripper").

10. Turns on some services and turns off others (including firewall services).

11. Runs as root, as no "sudo" commands are needed.

12. Copies itself to any mounted startup volume, before it kills utmp. When the virus connects, it is invisible to the user.

Note: The utmp file allows one to discover information about who is currently using the system. There may be more users currently using the system, because not all programs use utmp logging.

13. After disabling the Macintosh OS firewall, it changes the File Server preferences to make sure the Mac File Server does not log any Mac File Sharing.

14. Prevents Software update from auto-updating.

15. Looks for LittleSnitch software (a shareware Firewall program with application control) and tries to terminate the process, when LittleSnitch attempts to perform network access.

16. Searches throughout the computer for the following:
* Serial numbers of installed applications.
* Various preference files of installed applications.
* Various user-specific preferences, including Classic files.

17. Modifies the LimeWire settings, deletes log files, and creates an admin level user named:


so the machine can then be accessed in the future by a hacker who knows about this script. This user name will appear in the NetInfo Manager.

18. Installs a daily script to look for more passwords on the system that runs at 3 A.M.

19. Installs and runs two programs named:
* "John the Ripper"
* "dsniff"

which will gather data and attempt to isolate passwords contained within them, as well as any other 10.2 and 10.3 hashes.

20. Gathers data and attempts to isolate passwords contained within them, as well as any other 10.2 and 10.3 hashes.

21. Reviews the logs for any passwords found.

There appears to be no attempt by the script to send the passwords to an email address or FTP site. However, the computer's state is compromised to the extent that anyone with knowledge of the script could login and access the log files containing serial numbers and passwords.

a perfect little virus isnt it? and there was no fine print here...
Systems Affected: Macintosh OS X

mail2and said:
anna i think you have very little knowledge of the market share... apple commands a good 5% share in the market(equal to the share of firefox in the browser market).... then tell me why isn't there even ONE main line virus????
FYI, i perfectly knew that mac has a 5% penetration, but how big is that? alhough gamefreak has answered u on this, 5% share is too meagre....and yes, in that case, virus writers wont target it as they do for windows, but even then, it doesnt mean that there wont be viruses for it, does it?
and if u will remember, there was recently a competition announced to create a virus for a mac, and it was pulled off...well, it cud as well serve as a catalyst.

mail2and said:
neways am not gonna post here... because u speak on theories.. go try out a mac.. therez an apple store in bandra... and 5 dealers in andheri.... go try out a mac first.... and then talk.... get ur facts straight
hell man, for what should i try it? yes, i wud like to try it, but will my trying it mean that there wont be viruses for mac? will my trying it change the fact that the number of windows users wont increase? cmon yaar...

mail2and said:
u even said that tiger isn't 64 bit? how bad is that? the last time i heard.. panther was fully 64-bit complaint.... then how do they use g5's anna?

u even said linux duznt run on a MAC.... thats why i said...get ur facts right.... then talk....
yes, i do agree that i made a mistake on 64 bit proc in that conf, but i never said anything abt linux not running on mac....i did specifically mention that there if not mac, then some other linux for powerpc. i do know abt ubuntu and other linux that runs on mac FYI.

mail2and said:
"half knowledge is dangerous"
now thats a bit rich coming from u...u said there wasnt a single virus for osX, u still say so and i gave link to show a virus. so....
"look before u leap"


mail2and said:
and the "1 lac" system that ur talking abt is a powermac.. and it shows the middle finger to an athlon fx-55.....
And how much does an FX 55 based desktop cost. One lac? Besides, in single processor mode @ 1.8Ghz, you're telling me that a G5 beats an FX 55? Totally wrong there, m8. The FX 55 outperforms every processor on the planet (in single processor config). Period.
mail2and said:
well i don't understand.... not even a SINGLE DAMNING VIRUS....
In addition to cornys points on this, let me tell you - a vulnerability always exists, no matter what you do. Plugging holes is always an incomplete process. This maybe because of the sheer number of software available for the pc that runs on windows. Had this been the case with Mac, i'm sure it would've been facing the same problem. Don't you think the worlds richest person would spend a small part of his earnings to learn OS X's secret? As you said - the user password - Admin priveleges? Doesn't XP too have that? If Windows were able to successfuly plug it's holes - if someone had the brains to block every potential vulnerability, trust me - he'd have been a millionaire by now.
mail2and said:
what has Mr. Gates done? Cheated Spyglass and got IE? or closed down 1001 companies with the power of his money?
Cheating always exists in business - it's a fact. Someone rips off someone, especially when they're giants. No business tycoon has ever been an equalitarian. If he's closed down companies, it's because those companies were bought by him.
mail2and said:
Look i know PC's are preferred more... thats because u can get a pc for 14k and because of all those games....
Not just games. Application software - on almost anything. From inventory management to hair styling. Had the mac been more affordable, and certainly not elitist - it would've been a runaway hit around the world. It has the potential - just as their ipod does. But they choose to remain that way. So be it. Who cares.


Walking, since 2004.
7. Requires one or more of the following to install this script and to copy itself to the startup items folder:
* Admin or physical access (boot from a CD or firewire/usb, ignore permissions on the internal drive).
* Write access to either /Library/StartupItems /System/Library/StartupItems.
* Write access to any existing StartupItem (which is replaced with this script).
* Write access to the rc, crontab, or periodic files.

that answers your question... it requires user permisssions.. unless u r going to install it urself... its not going to do things to ur mac... so its not a VIRUS technically.. write access in a mac is not as easy as it is in Windows.....

roftl gamer.... i didnt expect this from you.... giga-hertz don't matter..... a 1.8 ghz powerMAC kick some fx-55 ass.... gnurag can confirm that... as i say u gotta sit in front of a system to know what it is.... watching some pics isn't enuff....

well korny... what say abt the linux thing and the 64-bit thing u said???? get ur facts right buddy...

neways thats the problem in india... ppl dont know sh*t abt a thing and talk as if they've worked on a mac since they were born.... am sorry but thats true...

anyways, this debate won't go anywhere...

btw gamer.. mind if u visit

u will get ur answer abt the software for mac.....

u guys even said in a conf that jeffrey sachs is a liar.... when he said that india will overtake usa's economy by 2045

anna.. remember what u said abt india's external debt? boy, go try out a mac... call the toll free no... they'll give u a free demo....


Andy, just cos U R getting Mac Mini or have just tried Mac on PeerPC or something like that does not makes a Mac the best

Mac is better suited for designing as I said before, due to its memory management, but that’s all, if it wasn’t apple that restricts third party developers to make Mac hardware it would have been cheap

as for software, no software in the world is bug free, for Mac still there are virus & bugs in software’s, truly due to their 5% market share only a few are written for them, but they are possible & exist

Windows became popular due to it's driver support & ability to run on any CPU be it Intel or AMD or Via, but Mac only runs on PowerPC, due to which innovation on Mac is Limited, besides apple charges a lot a lot I say, more then Alienware, I mean U can get a Dell 2005 FP for $ 700 on newegg, but a 20" Apple Cinema display, a lot more then that

Mac will never gain market share if they keep on restricting what the third party can make for it, I mean even the iSight costs a lot compared to Mac compatible Web cams from Logitech, & worst thing still 2.1 audio in most Macs, while PCs are getting 7.1 or 8.1 audio, also since U R going for Mac mini, tell me if U can voice chat, either buy a USB Mic or iSight as there is no Mic in port in Mac mini, another limiting thing U can't do with Mac


Certified Nutz
mail2and said:
that answers your question... it requires user permisssions.. unless u r going to install it urself... its not going to do things to ur mac... so its not a VIRUS technically.. write access in a mac is not as easy as it is in Windows.....
oh yeah...well, there is a solution to everything, isnt there? even in windows, no virus will execute unless the user does something will it? all u need to prevent viruses is to take the appropriate measures and some common sense. my system was affected by redlof (but then, i didnt have a quarter amount of the knowledge abt computers that i have today)...but since then, my pc was never affected.

mail2and said:
neways thats the problem in india... ppl dont know sh*t abt a thing and talk as if they've worked on a mac since they were born.... am sorry but thats true... the share of mac outside india more than that of PCs?
mail2and said:
well korny... what say abt the linux thing and the 64-bit thing u said???? get ur facts right buddy...
u dont exactly read well do u?
sreevirus said:
mail2and said:
u even said that tiger isn't 64 bit? how bad is that? the last time i heard.. panther was fully 64-bit complaint.... then how do they use g5's anna?

u even said linux duznt run on a MAC.... thats why i said...get ur facts right.... then talk....
yes, i do agree that i made a mistake on 64 bit proc in that conf, but i never said anything abt linux not running on mac....i did specifically mention that there if not mac, then some other linux for powerpc. i do know abt ubuntu and other linux that runs on mac FYI.

mail2and said:
u guys even said in a conf that jeffrey sachs is a liar.... when he said that india will overtake usa's economy by 2045

anna.. remember what u said abt india's external debt? boy, go try out a mac... call the toll free no... they'll give u a free demo....
hell man...why the hell r u bringing totally unrelated topics in here? what does that prove?
anyway, abt that foreign debt thing, even ur solution and ur visions r theoretical...lets see what happens...
and if i remember correctly, when u said that thing abt jeffrey sachs, it wasnt 2045, it was 2017...wasnt it gamer?


In the zone
krishnathelord said:
hey man writing or as we say coding a os is not big job,

what is big and important is debugging and continous upgradation

I guess people r well aware of that :p

Why to code a new one when we can tweak the existing one :twisted:


mail2and said:
roftl gamer.... i didnt expect this from you.... giga-hertz don't matter..... a 1.8 ghz powerMAC kick some fx-55 ***.... gnurag can confirm that... as i say u gotta sit in front of a system to know what it is.... watching some pics isn't enuff....
Hmm...This is becoming one beautiful discussion. Andy - Check out this pic * straight from *
It's not about GHz..dude! I own an Athlon XP, so don't teach me about Ghz differences. Why haven't they compared the FX - 55. Why does it stop at FX-53? Allow me to quote yourself - "get ur facts right buddy...". Please note that Apple have to resort to coupling two processors with "super cooling" to almost reach (actually doesn't) the speed of a single FX-55.

mail2and said:
neways thats the problem in india... ppl dont know sh*t abt a thing and talk as if they've worked on a mac since they were born.... am sorry but thats true...
It's actually *common sense*. Yes, I haven't worked on a mac. Yet, I know how to spend my money prudently. I'm not Donald Trump, you know. You haven't been able to counter a single point on my take of your beloved mac. Simply saying windows sucks and mac rulzzz is best left to kids.

sreevirus said:
and if i remember correctly, when u said that thing abt jeffrey sachs, it wasnt 2045, it was 2017...wasnt it gamer?
Gosh...and I took andys words, when it was 2050 (googling confirmed it). This is what Jeffrey Sachs said : "By 2050, China and maybe India will overtake the US economy in size." I had myself predicted 2025 in that thread. See what I meant andy, we were arguing on nothing. He's spot on there. I couldn't agree more.

mail2and said:
u guys even said in a conf that jeffrey sachs is a liar.... when he said that india will overtake usa's economy by 2045
Yeah he's a bloody liar, if you're saying we'll beat the US economy in 12 years. Does it make sense now?


Walking, since 2004.
jeggrey sachs is NOT a liar... he is one of the most well respected economists in the world.... You better watch out before using words..

i said india will be a "developed" nation by 2017. i never said it will overtake USA by that time.. therez no chance of that before 2045.... jeffrey said china will overtake USA by 2025..

gosh... u guys don't know anything abt economists and u use such words against such widely respected persons....


In the zone
tell me if U can voice chat, either buy a USB Mic or iSight as there is no Mic in port in Mac mini, another limiting thing U can't do with Mac

hmmm... that should not be a problem gx. There are USB mics available

for ex- *


jeggrey sachs is NOT a liar... he is one of the most well respected economists in the world.... You better watch out before using words..

i am in india Razz i can't even think of going to a lowsy country like usa- the land of apes or europe- the land of eunuches

If I recall correctly Jeffrey should be an ape.... Anyway, I dont seem to understand one thing, as you claimed theres no virii whoatsoever in Mac OS X but yet there are so many antiviral packages for Mac OS X. So buying these have got to be useless since basically they protect something that doesnt exist. Also if you check out symantec I believe they have Liveupdates being done just as in PC's , are these updates for Virii? Would this classify as a Mac OS X Virus?


If not please explain why...


Man this Satish S is talking like making an OS is like making a roti.
Either he doesn't understand the complexity and the time reqd to create these things or he is :twisted:
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