The largest diamond ever!!

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The Devil
Good News: Scientist have discovered a diamond 2,500 miles across and weighting approximately 10 billion-trillion-trillion-carats.

Bad News: Its 50 light years away from earth!! :))

This is actually old news (February 16, 2004)

The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has announced the discovery of a mass of crystallized carbon formerly known as star BPM 37093, now known as the biggest diamond in the galaxy, fifty light years away from Earth in the constellation Centaurus. The diamond is estimated to be 2,500 miles across and weighs approximately 10 billion-trillion-trillion-carats – a one, followed by 34 zeros. Travis Metcalfe, an astronomer from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and leader of the team who discovered the gem, says “You would need a jeweler’s loupe the size of the sun to grade this diamond. Bill Gates and Donald Trump together couldn’t begin to afford it.”

When asked to estimate the value of the cosmic jewel, Ronald Winston, chief executive officer (CEO) of Harry Winston, Inc., indicated that such a large diamond probably would depress the value of the market, stating, “Who knows? It may be a self-deflating prophecy because there is so much of it.”

The diamond is actually the crystallized interior of a white dwarf – or the hot core of a star that is left over after the star uses up its nuclear fuel and dies. It is made mostly of carbon and is coated by a thin layer of hydrogen and helium gasses.

Five billion years from now, our sun will die and become a white dwarf. Approximately two billion years after that, its ember core will crystallize as well, leaving a giant diamond in the center of our solar system. A paper announcing this discovery has been submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters for publication. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. Scientists within the organization are classified into six research divisions where they study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.



Booting Nicotine!!
finally my next destination ! how many light years away ??
50 light years away from earth ahemmm ok


M$™ Certified Spammer
i never thought this was possible this is worth more than all of the money on earth


Šupər♂ - 超人
Swooooooooooooooooossshhhhhhhhhhhhhh....(that's me arrivin.. if u didn't get :D)
Uhmmm.... I put it there as a trophy a few days back... made it out of the V12 star while i was fighting Darksied in the NGC 4203 galaxy... blazed a star away with a magma dose of my heat vision & compressed it with my super-strength to chisel a diamond to "hurt" Darksied... talk about heavy-duty work...
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Livin' in the ghetto
LOL .. First thing first .... stop wearing your underpants over your pant ....

Nd the diamond ..soon they'll start selling parts of it on Ebay ...


Šupər♂ - 超人
hey AshishSharma... u havin some kinda xray vision.. dude... i aint wearing my undies over my pants... see avtar :D


Booting Nicotine!!
how about what to do with the diamond ?? :-? hey superman get us atlest a piece of it yarr i want to buy some goddies yaar


Šupər♂ - 超人
i relocated it now... ppl r eyeing my trophy.. so i kinda shifted it in time-space.. time to forget it guyz....
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