aka. ViKiD?
Re: The Half-Life and Counterstrike Thread
first of all if u want to play with the main indian cs gamers then u wont be able to do it with the pirated cs..for this ull have to get the Counter Strike Anthology pack for 500 bucks..
and u get kiked for high ping becoz..when ur playing at a very high ping u appear to be framing for other ppl(umm more like teleporting from here to there).A ping of anything above 70 is bad.
And ya the patch thing depends on ..on which server do u wanna of my knowledge most cracked servers in INDIA run patch V26....though the latest one is V29...very few servers currently use order to get the indian servers...change the filter settings in the cs server browser and make the following changes>>
Ping> <150
Location> Asia
VAC >Not Secure
an your done....if u wanna play then only play on servers with ping less than 50...we have around 20 leagal servers running in india...goto to
* ...for the listing....and i must ask which ISP ur using coz ur pings greatly depend on the ISP....exatt is the most prefered one becoz 80 % of the servers run on u get a ping on max 30 in delhi and if ur in mumbai....... u get a ping of not more than 10!!!! if u have a ISP with routing through exatt..then its better to go fr the original pack...itz worth it....
happy fraggin!

first of all if u want to play with the main indian cs gamers then u wont be able to do it with the pirated cs..for this ull have to get the Counter Strike Anthology pack for 500 bucks..
and u get kiked for high ping becoz..when ur playing at a very high ping u appear to be framing for other ppl(umm more like teleporting from here to there).A ping of anything above 70 is bad.

And ya the patch thing depends on ..on which server do u wanna of my knowledge most cracked servers in INDIA run patch V26....though the latest one is V29...very few servers currently use order to get the indian servers...change the filter settings in the cs server browser and make the following changes>>
Ping> <150
Location> Asia
VAC >Not Secure
an your done....if u wanna play then only play on servers with ping less than 50...we have around 20 leagal servers running in india...goto to
* ...for the listing....and i must ask which ISP ur using coz ur pings greatly depend on the ISP....exatt is the most prefered one becoz 80 % of the servers run on u get a ping on max 30 in delhi and if ur in mumbai....... u get a ping of not more than 10!!!!
happy fraggin!