the C: partition

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Actually, Microsoft limited FAT32 partition size to 32GB for WinXP, but WinxP supports FAT32 partitions larger than 32GB created by other OS or tools.....
So, if u create the partitions using the fdisk utilty provided in the WinXP CD itself, u will be limited to 32GB max size.....but u can create partitions greater than that,the thing is, u have to use "fdisk" of Win98 (or win98 bootable floppy),and then u can WinXP install in this big partition...


Cyborg Agent
he has posted two questions and both r having atleast two copies. This is SPAM*

And as for the question u must have atleast 5 GB(as per my computer guy) for Windows XP and u can increase it also as per ur liking but lower limit shud be 5 GB.

But nxt time be careful about ur postings.


seeing the number of topic u posted 4 same topic....i would like to tell 4km or 5mile of space would b okk......

4 40 gbs anything b/w 10+ is depends how many partition u want on your disk.....if 3 ard 12 gb is enough


Cyborg Agent
Jesus H. Christ. How many threads has this guy created for the same topic? :shock: Besides, I also had the misfortune to answer this in another post. Must get new glasses!


QA Juggler
well this dude is a quite a layoff..when i PM'ed him about the post count...insted of chekin it out he asked me to mind my language...WOW awsome dude Keep it up.....
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


take it easy guys...yesterday forum was down for some time, he might have clicked Submit more than once, that's why multiple posts...


Broken In
to use only winxp and not to install new softwares use atleast 2 GB otherwise more than 2GB because xp installation takes bout 1.5 GB of space
I think go for atleast 12 gb
you will play games and also install some softwares to run
then choose 12 gb
will be enough for you


In the zone
i use abt 12 gig too .. gives u enuff space to install all ur softs .. put rest of games and mp3 on another drv @!
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