The Anti-Review of OnePlus X!


Broken In
Hey guys,
Big Deadpool fan here, and I made this video thinking: What if Deadpool did phone reviews?
It must be snarky I thought, but then the continuing idiocy of Indian censors made me re-think: What if Deadpool did phone reviews in India? There would be beeps. Lots of beeps.
So here's the culmination of snark and beeps:

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Broken In
That video was amazing.

That was a good review and even better and feel good video.

The combination of audio,video and motion graphics seemed quite fluid.The dialogs could've been better. Your reaction to everything was simply 'f**k' (with a beep sound of course). Deadpool might have a lot of things to say while criticizing something.

Keep up the good work buddy.:cool_NF:
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