Techniche'08 at IIT Guwahati

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Wandering In Tecno Land
Arbit Ikaaru & Lots more are the names of what we were waiting for
yes the fest is scheduled on 5-7th Sept
Will try to get more details

You can visit the website @ *

And for online participation its *

"There will be Fireworks and* Here We Go..................!!!"


Wandering In Tecno Land

To start on 2nd Sept 6p.m. IST sharp


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah, I'm in now again....:D

Lets hope that it is also going to be Kickass like Krypton was...:D


Searchin A Gamer Config..
tell me the latest prices of intel and quad processors please???
i hav 2 buy a pc soon... so plz suggest me some....
nice information... thanks...
ma bugget is about 30k for cpu...


Rockin g33k
Yes guys, lets join hands and do a clean sweep of the top 10 spots as we "tried" with krypton.Lets show them who rules. Peace.


Super Moderator
Staff member
The contest is called Arbit, if I'm not wrong:


I'm in now....

the clock has hit 6pm.

Huh, I'm near to solving the 1st round but I'm not able to get the exact 'decimals' on the net.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Kon se level pe?

1st level k exact 'decimal' co-ordinates nahi mil rahe.......sabh try kar le....Wikipedia se wagera wagera


Mad and Furious
i too have been trying for 50mins now to crack the first level!!
tried everything!!


Mad and Furious
i had got through till point 2....
but cant get the co-ordinates correct...
the edge of the given pics has some co-ords... i tried them too... didnt work out... :(


Mad and Furious
can we hope for a correction and re-starting of arbit??
it happened Ikaaru in puzzle 5... when sumthing went wrong....


Super Moderator
Staff member
Ok now

I've done yay!!!! :D

If anyone wants to know the answer then PM me...:D :)

Now even done the 2nd....:D ;) :D ;)

On 3rd now.

This one is easy...Done the 3rd

On 4th now.........:p

Is anyone else also doing this??.........or I'm the only guy on the forum........???

On 5th.


So, who is on which level??

Me is on 12th......Starting again now.
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