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I want to install the Suse 9.1 given with the digit dvd on august. the existing partition scheme of my 38 gb hdd is as follows.
C:(ntfs)-windows and program files-15gb
D:(ntfs)-documents, music, program codes etc.-15gb
i have used the remaining 8 gb to house my rh9 installation.
i had converted my d: from fat 32 to ntfs a few days ago(fool that i am). now i cant write on it to backup the data i have on the linux partition. also i dont think can save it as i will have to delete the partion when i install the suse. browsed through the forum but found nothing to assure me that i can safely convert my d: back to fat 32.
SO GUYS, WHAT DO I DO NOW??? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:


FooBar Guy
Safe method:
Burn off your data onto CDs and take a proper backup...

Unsafe method:
1) Get a copy of Knoppix and boot from it...
2) Open Konsole terminal.

$ su
# qtparted

4) Now resize your existing ext3 partition. using the graphical partition manager.
5) Create a new partition (Fat) from the free space
6) Copy your Linux files there.
7) Install your SuSE in the old resized partition.

You may also like to use Windows based partition managers .... but i cant say anything on that as i've not used them...


FooBar Guy
And yes, another thing is possible.... you can re-format your swap partition as FAT partition and transfer your data there... install another OS and transfer it back

1) Boot from Knoppix CD
2) Re-format your SWAP as FAT ( mkfs.vfat /dev/hdb6 )
3) Make a tar.gz file of data you want to protect
4) Save it onto SWAP location
5) Install new OS

But this assumes that your data fits onto swap partition after compressing it !!!
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