Suggestions on buying a smart phone within 20000?

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Hi ,

I am planning to buy a smart phone .

1.It has to produce good music.
2.Should be able to play HD Games.
3.Budget - 20000

I have zeroed on xperia ray as it has xloud technology.

However i dont know whether the current games by gamealoft/HD games is supported on
this model.

I wanted to confirm whether all android games can be played on xperia ray.

Please help me out soon , i dont want to buy xperia ray and then finding out none of the games is supported.

If no phone support hd games within the specified range , I am open on buying other phones ( max budget 25k) suggestions are welcome.



There are many other threads in which same thing(phones for 20K) has been answered so please refer those threads before creating a new thread
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