Suggest Third party cooler for XFX HD 5670


Right off the assembly line
recently my HD 5670 fan is broken and its temp goes above 80
and its not in warranty period so i need a good third party cooler for my graphics card btw the vendor is XFX (if it matters)


Retired Forum Mod
had a Sapphire 5670 where the cooler failed too. gave it to a local repair shop. they wired a Intel fan (without the heatsink) into the GPU heatsink. Temperature was well within limits. may give it a try. cost me just 100 bucks. ran for 8-9 months before the GPU itself died.


Right off the assembly line
had a Sapphire 5670 where the cooler failed too. gave it to a local repair shop. they wired a Intel fan (without the heatsink) into the GPU heatsink. Temperature was well within limits. may give it a try. cost me just 100 bucks. ran for 8-9 months before the GPU itself died.
err 8-9 month
how about cooler master coolvivaZ1


Retired Forum Mod
a passive cooler is not going to help here. 5670 is really old and spending more money on a new cooler doesn't feels right. btw how much this cooler costs?

in my case, the GPU died due to faulty PSU, not overheating. so if the gpu temps can be kept within limits you may extract a couple of years out of it but consider upgrading.


Wise Old Owl
Spending anything more than 3 digit figure for a 5670 is waste imo. Better get a new card altogether if cooler is 4 digit.


Level 9 Commissar
Man up and liquid cool that sucker! ;) EK waterblocks FTW!
Jokes aside, get a shroud from a dead card, replaced the TIM, tighten it up and you're good to go.
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